Tulelake Still in the Red

TULELAKE, Calif– At the Tulelake City Council Regular Meeting on Monday Jan 3 on the record it was stated the use of funds by the Police Department (Police Personal) Fund were used. It is an embarrassment following the exposure that the City Council had no idea how the funds were spent or who authorized them to be spent as someone dipped into the funds. And no one knows who did it with no fingers being pointed, but somebody did. And the question is who did? With the City of Tulelake extremely close to bankruptcy, all we can say is how sad.

Those of us who have a habit of attending City Council Meetings noticed the absence of Elected City Clerk, Joe Cordonier and Councilmember Tom Cordonier. Where the City Council appointed Deputy City Clerks in Elected City Clerk, Joe Cordonier’s absence with a 4 ayes and 1 absent Coucilmembers for the appointment of Candace Jefferies, Director of Finance and Kim Kieser, City Treasure who were appointed to be Deputy City Clerks in Joe Coroner’s absence to perform duties when Elected City Clerk, Joe Cordonier is unavailable. Taking appropriate leadership Candace Jefferies did a fine job for filling in for City Clerk, Joe Cordonier but it was not quite the same with City Clerk, Joe Cordonier 's absence.

Time will tell if the City will get caught up but Candace Jefferies, Director of Finance is doing the best she can with the heavy load she is carrying until the City of Tulelake can see the light of day again by getting the water bills out on time and to the customers who have to pay their water and trash bills by making it a point to pay them when they would normally be due on their own.
