Anita Silva's Last Days. Part Two

3/27 Debra IHSS/Home Health aid 1:00- 3:30

Judy Klamath Hospice Vol 1:00-3:00

Jim 5:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 1:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 9:30 PM left at 11:00 PM

3/28 Jim 9:30 AM, 12 PM, 1:45 PM, 5:10 PM,

Becky Klamath Hospice 1:45 PM- 2:30 PM

Ted Klamath Hospice 1:45 PM- 2:30 PM

5:20 PM Pastor Claude and his wife Marilyn from the Baptist Church in Malin. Brought Ice.

5:45 PM Claude left.

Marilyn was willing to stay and said she would call me when she went home. She wanted to give me a break so I could get some rest.

Marilyn called me later at home and let me know that she decided she would stay the night with Anita. That way I would not worry about Anita and for me to get some rest, and that she would stay until in the early morning.

5/29 1:40 AM Marylin

I gave her a Syringe of the medicine from the counter in the bathroom. She is unable to take a drink to swallow a pill. She told me no more ice. I don’t believe she can get up to pee anymore. She tried to stand, but turning around to sit on the porta-potty seemed impossible. Could she have a catheter, please?

She did call me by my name Marylin and asked for help, but she was unable to get turned to relieve herself.

2:00 AM And she is lying down again and more peaceful.

2:10 AM Sitting at side of bed again, groaning but will not take ice. She saw me in the hallway and called out me by name.

2:25 AM Got onto Potty with help- VOIDED

2:35 AM Back in Bed.

2:45 AM Sitting on side of bed, groaning. Wants to remove oxygen tubes-

2:49 AM Lying down again. Does not want covers.

4:15 AM Another siege of sitting @ side of bed, moaning, talking to self.

4:55 AM She can roll over on left side and reach for ice. She can put it in her own mouth. Wanted covers this time.

6:45 AM I let the dogs out again.

Marylin left shortly there after.

Jim: 9:00 AM Anita not very responsive.

Debbie IHSS 11:30-3:30 PM

C Perry/Klamath Hospice- Asked Anita if she wanted or would agree to a catheter & she said no. I instructed Jim on how to put tape brig on her when she’s in bed if she becomes incontinent. Pain meds delivered.

Jim 4:00 PM leaves

Jim: 6:30 PM arrives. Checks Anita’s ice, water and whatever else she needs. Let’s the dogs outside and sits for a little bit. Leaves to go home to rest.

Jim: 9:30 PM – 10:35 PM leaves and mentions how much he loves her and that I will see her in the morning. Anita then says don’t worry I will be OK and the first time I turned out the kitchen light and just left the night light on. All the others times I left them on so she could see, just in case during the night she tried to get up. I felt she would be able to see.

I kissed Anita on her forehead as I did every time I left not knowing if each and every time I left if this was the last time I would see her alive and I feared each time I came back she would be gone, forever and have died when no one was there by her side.

I told her I loved her and she said she loved me too. I then left for home to go home and rest so I could be back to check on her around 9:30 or 10:00 AM as there was no one scheduled to come on the 30th.

Jim: I left at 10:35 PM.

Go to Anita Silva's Last Days. Part Three
