Gossip and Rumors vs. Facts

Tulelake, CA— Editorial: Have you noticed some people’s favorite past time around town is to gossip, and spreading rumors about others.

They try so hard to impress people by their gossip and spreading of rumors of others. Instead of talking about the good people do, they chose to do just the opposite. As if by gossiping and spreading rumors somehow give them this great power in their mind that they think they have over others.

What happens, in reality, is a different story. Other people think to themselves as they see through these kinds of people who do this. What a sad existence they have living a sad life for the only purpose of spreading gossip and rumors.

The majority of the time, the problem is people like that are very insecure and have nothing more to do with their lives, than try and be accepted by their peers for something bad, instead of the good they could be accomplishing instead when talking about other people who do not happen to be around to defend themselves. Another word for this type of person is what could be termed backstabbers. They are nice to your face and then the second you turn your back or are out of hearing range their whispering campaign begins.

And so they feel if they can talk about other people in a bad light, it somehow mysteriously gives them power and raises their status on the pecking order in society over the very people they are gossiping and spreading rumors about for their own personal self-gratification.

My advice is to avoid these types of people at all cost. Until they seek help from a mental profession, it is a lost cause for you to even try and intervene and get involved. It is best to run the other way, as fast as you can to keep from being sucked into their drama queen world they live in daily. When enough people begin to distance themselves from these type of people the sooner they will realize they are the one with a problem that needs to be addressed by seeking the mental help they desperately need.
