"I almost died". Part Two

Shaneen Sheldon stopped by mainly because she wanted to encourage me to come to the senior lunch program again. And since Anita Silva passed away and was no longer here, I really had no reason too. I have been hibernating so to speak. Minding my own business and not paying any attention with what goes on with the neighbors, except when they bring it to my attention when there is loud yelling and screaming; like during the summer, but that is another story for another time.

The senior lunch program has changed since Iva Rogers retired and Alice Morris moved to Oregon. My Mom used to go to the senior lunch program when Connie Smith was running it and Billy was delivering the homebound lunches and Bob from Fe's Bed and breakfast was using his bus to pick up people to take them to lunch and take them back home Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Bob on their way home would stop by the post office so they could check their mail. Alice Morris would keep an eye on my Mom on the bus because my mom had dementia. I took care of my mom 24/7 when I was her full-time caregiver. This was during the time Iva Rogers was Mayor of Tulelake and we still lived here, before we moved to Alturas.

After my Mom passed away in 2007 in Alturas, Iva Rogers put my Mom's name, "Edith Garland" (Maiden name Donaldson and her brother Richard (Dick) from Malin, her mother's name Barbra Irene O'Malley, their step-father Les Thompson), on the Plac on the wall at the Honker Tulelake FRC senior lunchroom. Over the years as the seniors passed away Iva Rogers would add their names to the Plac on the wall next to the door that leads out into the hallway. The same room where the senior card players, play cards, every Thursday.

Where over the years past both Iva Rogers and Alice Morris would greet the seniors for lunch and have all the tables set up in advance of their arrival. And have the coffee made ahead of time before they started to arrive on a daily basis M-F until they had the cut back to only M-T by Teach the people in charge of the lunch program for PSA2 out of Alturas for Modoc County running it for Siskiyou County for Tulelake.

For all the hard work these two ladies; Iva Rogers and Alice Morris dedicated for the senior lunch program over the years, as well as Dar Carroll and sometimes former city council member Richard Marcillac. They should all be accommodated for all the hard work they have put into the senior lunch program for Tulelake over the years by either, PSA2 or the city of Tulelake or both.

Continue to Part Three
