"I almost died." Part One

I very rarely talk about myself, other than what my opinion is on things from my POV politically nationally or state issues. I have stayed away for a while from the local politics, but I am getting geared up to start speaking out again. Like when I used to try and have a local newspaper that I printed and passed out around town and had TNT online aka Tulelake New Times.

Yesterday, I went to lunch at the Honker Family Resource Center FRC because they need more people to show up for lunch and support the senior lunch program. Shaneen Sheldon made a special effort last week and stopped by my house on Tuesday and brought me two frozen Maria Calender turkey dinners, a frozen pumpkin pie, a can of cranberries, and some dinner rolls.

She mentioned that since the kids were off from school that the center would be cooking on Wednesday and Friday of last week. Normally the school cafeteria provides the food, except when the students are on vacation from school. Then, the center cooks on those days.

Anyway, I finally showed up for lunch for the first time in years. I have not been there since my good friend Anita Silva passed away with acute leukemia on March 30, 2013, this year. It's hard to believe on the 14th of December it will be a year since her daughter passed away from an infection on December 14th, 2012 with her husband by her side, when they flew her to Portland. As some people may know Shannon passed away 3 and half months before Anita did. Anita and her daughter lived in Alturas before they moved to Tulelake after Anita's husband Henry in 2007, the same year my Mom passed away on February 22, 2007, when we were living in Alturas.

Anita and Shannon moved up here after Henry passed away and Shannon met and married Ray. Anita moved to Tulelake and Shannon moved to Newell. Anita and I did not cross paths when I lived in Alturas. I met her at the senior center and we became good friends. And for me, I ended up back here in Tulelake in August of 2008.

Mom and I first moved to this area back in 2002 in Newell, in the goose. Where Shaneen gave Feisty our dog, to my Mom and me in October 2003. Then we moved to town in January 2004 on B street. And in October 2005 Mom and I moved to Alturas so I could substitute teach for the Office of Education and Modoc Unified School District to give me a break from taking care of my Mom 24/7. But they had to call me the day before so I could find someone to watch her, the days I worked. They called me the most to work in Canby with the k-4 class. Once in while for the Middle school in Alturas.

Continue to Part Two
