"It's not the crime, it's the cover up" that leads to impeachment

There is an old saying in Washington: "It's not the crime, it's the cover up" that does the damage.

The Nixon Administration attempted to dismiss the June 17, 1972 break-in of Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex as "a third rate burglary" which it more-or-less was.

1972 was an election year and despite the wailing of Democrats about the seriousness of the campaign probably having ordered the break-in, Nixon beat Democratic Senator George McGovern 49 states to one that Fall.

By the time the smoke cleared over 38 members of the Nixon Administration or his re-election campaign plead guilty or were indicted for their participation in the cover-up.

President Richard Nixon chose to resign rather than face impeachment.

Thank God for our form of government. The media won't let there be any cover-up.
John McCain

Klamath Falls, OR—Even as nearly 2/3 disapprove of Trump, his seizure of power in a coup facilitated by Russia, is in question now as to his legitimacy as president. Now his son Don Jr., is in a scandal of receiving information on Clinton from a Russian source. While Don Jr., in an email states, "I love it", then later back tracks and says there was nothing to the meeting and nothing came from it. All the while, and up to this point, the Trump Administration has claimed there was no contact between the campaign and Russians, in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Donald J. Trump‏

Stock Market hit another all-time high yesterday - despite the Russian hoax story! Also, jobs numbers are starting to look very good!
9:30 AM - 15 Jul 2017

This is no joking matter, there is evidence leading up to collusion with Trump and Trump Jr., and calling the Russian story a hoax is an insult to the majority of Americans.

secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others:

President Donald Trump has repeatedly denied colluding with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign. Yet, the revelation of a meeting last year—between his son, his campaign chairman, his son-in-law and a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton from the Russian government—suggests that the question of collusion is an open one; according to emails arranging the meeting, Trump’s son Donald Jr. was aware of that promise and said in response, “I love it.” And, of course, special counsel Robert Mueller is still investigating this very matter.

For example, if Donald Trump Jr. sought “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russians, he might be charged with conspiring to violate the election laws of the United States, which prohibit foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign. The opposition dirt is at least plausibly a thing of value. And to the extent that the Trump campaign aided, abetted or advised the Russians (or any other hackers) about what would be most useful to steal from the Democrats or how best to enhance the impact of their release, they may well have violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Of course, none of this excuses the apparent cover-up, which is often as bad as the original crime. Lying to the federal government in your registration forms or your security application is a false statement. Using the wires to perpetrate your crime is often wire fraud. In short, let’s stop talking about “collusion” and instead talk about real crimes that may, or may not, be proven—violations of election law, computer hacking, false statements and wire fraud.

"It's not the crime, it's the cover up" that will not only bring Trump Jr., down but Trump as well for conspiracy. At the federal level, Article II of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

By James Garland of Tulelake News
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