Teresa Williams and Johnny Crowe sware there was an agreement with city of Tulelake on the past due repayments of utility bills

Tulelake, CA— At the Tulelake city council meeting Teresa Williams brought before the city council her concerns about the new utility policy that went into effect January 1, 2014.

Teresa Williams brought up the fact before the city council that she had an agreement with Charlie, the past Finance Director for the city of Tulelake. There seems to be no record of any written agreement in anyone’s file at city hall regarding an agreement made between the utility customer and the city of Tulelake according to Jenny Coelho the City Administrative Clerk for the city of Tulelake.

Teresa Williams went on to say, “Don’t think it is fair. Don’t think it’s right. People are having a hard time right now.”

A question was brought up about “why not check the other customers files who are behind in their utility bills and see if there is a similar written agreement with other customers in the same situation of being behind in bringing their current utility bills current. Looking to try and find in the files at city hall if there were other written agreements according to the claim being presented by Teresa Williams and Johnny Crowe.

Johnny Crowe spoke up and made the comment about it may have been an oral agreement and not a written one as being claimed by Teresa Williams. But Teresa Williams is willing to “swear on a stack of bibles that she had a written agreement,” according to Teresa’s comments directed at the city council. Teresa Williams stated that she has been unable to locate her written copy of the agreement between her and Charlie in her personal records at home.

Johnny Crowe insisted, “An agreement is an agreement that is legally binding. Just look it up on the Internet and you will find that an oral agreement is legal binding just like a written one.” The comment directed by Johnny Crowe to the city council at the city council meeting.

Another point was brought up to check with the city attorney about the legally between the city of Tulelake as an oral agreement and written agreement. Johnny Crowe piped up and said, “You don’t have to listen to what Garland says”. And then Teresa Williams made the comment directed at Garland, “Be quiet”. Where Garland responded by saying, “this a public meeting and I have a right to speak up”. Where Mayor Randy Darrow then pointed out that the comment made by Garland had not been recognized by the Tulelake city council.

In other city council business matters there was an update for the Wastewater project presented by both the Director of Public Works and former Siskiyou County Supervisor Jim Cook. They both pointed out that there are some grants that are about to expire and that the grant blocks documentation needs to be completed soon or the city may lose it’s opportunity to have the funds available to complete the Wastewater project. More details of the situation will be forth coming in future articles written by TNT on the TNT blog located at http://tulelakenews.blogspot.com/

The request to purchase a second taser using realignment money put on the agenda by Chief of Police, Tony Ross. The council decided to take "no action at this time". Tony Ross made the comment that he would more than likely bring it up again as an agenda item in a future city council meeting in the next month or two down the road from now.

In the public comment section of the city council meeting, “James Garland” made the following comment. “Why not have the city attorney check into the legal binding difference between an oral agreement with the city and a written agreement to see if the city has to enforce an oral agreement vs. a written one between Teresa Williams and the past finance director Charlie who it has been claimed made the agreement with Teresa Williams. Which Teresa Williams is unable to find her copy of the written agreement to present as her proof and no agreement of any kind has been found in the files at city hall.

Where both Johnny Crowe and Dar Carroll yelled out. “Do you know how much it cost the city to have the city attorney find out that information? $150.00 an hour was blurted out by Johnny Crowe a former city of Tulelake Mayor and council member at one time in Tulelakes past mayors.

The comment section at the city council meeting is meant for members of the community for members of the public to speak out or make a comment. Council member are not suppose to be able to speak during that section of the city council meeting but this city council does not always follow that periodical.


  1. Case Number Case Name Filing Date Location Case Type Category Next Event Previous Event Status
    SCSC-CVHA-2014-295 GARLAND, JAMES C VS. WILLIAMS, TERESA L 03/10/2014 Siskiyou Civil Unlimited Civil Pet: Harassment (43) 03/20/2014 Hearing: Other Closed
    Dismissal 03/20/2014
    SCSC-CVHA-2014-294 GARLAND, JAMES C VS. GOW, JACKIE L 03/10/2014 Siskiyou Civil Unlimited Civil Pet: Harassment (43) 03/20/2014 Hearing: Other Closed
    Dismissal 03/20/2014
    SCSC-CVHA-2014-1165 GARLAND, JAMES C VS. GOW, JACKIE L 09/25/2014 Siskiyou Civil Unlimited Civil Pet: Harassment (43) 10/30/2014 Order to Show Cause Closed
    Dismissal 10/30/2014
    MCYK-CRM-2014-422 PEO VS. GARLAND, JAMES CHARLES 03/27/2014 Siskiyou Misdemeanor Misdemeanor: Non Traffic/Ordinance 04/21/2015 Jury Trial Closed
    Dismissal 04/16/2015

  2. Case Number Case Name Filing Date Location Case Type Category Next Event Previous Event Status
    MCDO-CVG-2006-59 CARTER JONES VS. KEISER, KIM 01/13/2006 Siskiyou Civil Limited Contract: Other (37) 06/05/2006 Case Management Conference Closed
    Judgment: Court Default 03/07/2006
    MCYK-CRF-2012-2084 PEO VS. KEISER, KIM MARIE 11/21/2012 Siskiyou Felony Felony: Property Offense 04/03/2013 Sentencing Hearing Closed
    Conviction: Nolo Plea 04/03/2013


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