Demands the city of Tulelake cannot legally do


Tulelake, CA— Editorial

The exact quote will have to be put on hold due to the demand and request by Jerry King that when he is quoted that the “exact, quote, word for word be quoted” by demanding that I take my free time getting it right to appease the council member who at the last meeting refused to give me an exact quote, but demanded I listen to the recorded meeting by taking a city employees time from their busy schedules to set it up for me to listen to Jerry King’s exact quote. Instead of doing the simple thing and writing it down word for word as he would like to be quoted as on the TNT blog.

So instead Jerry King chooses to have a person who writes the news as a public service for free to help keep the community informed in the city of Tulelake and not as a job as Jerry claims I am not doing by not getting his exact quote by spending my free time getting it right for who? For Jerry King by spending my time listening to the recorded recording of all city council meetings to make Jerry King feel better about him self and what little power he seems to think he has as a Tulelake city council member for the Tulelake City Council in the city of Tulelake, CA.

Which now leads to Teresa Williams agenda item #10. Which this reporter will write about in great detail after taking the time necessary to get it exactly right as it was stated and presented at the Tulelake City Council meeting by both Teresa Williams, and Jackie Gow, along with former Mayor Johnny Crows comments directed towards this reporter, "James Garland" and the exact excerpts that were played off of the RealRocks4me Youtube Channel on the Internet.

As well as the Chief of Police, Tony Ross’s exact statement when it was Tony Ross's turn to speak under agenda item number 11 for department head updates. Discussion/Action.

Where the comments were directed towards Mr. James Garland in a public meeting where it was being demanded Mr. James Garland be denied his first amendment rights and for the Tulelake City Council to pass a resolution demanding that not only that Mr. James Garland not be allowed to take still pictures at a public meeting, but that the city of Tulelake pass a resolution to the effect, where Mr. Garland is no longer allowed to post the pictures he does take at a public city council meeting to put on his face book pages, and his blog as well on the Internet by denying Mr. James Garland his first amendment rights in the United States of America by the Chief of Police, Tony Ross but Teresa Williams, Jackie Gow, along with former Mayor Johnny Crow, as well at this linch mop meeting against Mr. James Garland of TNT News and a resident of the city of Tulelake, CA.

Why? Because some people do not like what Mr. James Garland writes or the pictures he chooses to post without being accused of something that Mr. Garland is not doing but a group of vigilantes have taken it upon themselves to try and deny Mr. Garland his American rights as a native born US Citizen and registered voter in the city of Tulelake, the county of Siskiyou, in the state of California and the United States of America by even the Tulelake Chief of Police, Tony Ross.

Which could very well be considered a civil rights issue by the comments the Tulelake Chief of Police Tony Ross made in a public meeting against Mr. Garland without any proof, but instead is accusing and suggesting by making false statements against Mr. James Garland, that is and can be considered grounds for legal action against Tony Ross the Chief of Police for the city of Tulelake for Slander against Mr. Garland of TNT for reporting on the News, that all of these people claim they do not read or listen too.

But yet try and present those stories and Youtube recordings as evidence in a city council meeting where the city council is not the right venue or forum for such a case that Teresa Williams, Jackie Gow, Johnny Crowe and Tony Ross, the Chief of Police want to levy against Mr. James Garland of TNT aka Tulelake New Times.

(To be continued after listening to the City of Tulelake Recorded Meeting to have it transcribed to be presented "word for word" for the entire city of Tulelake to read all about by the above mentioned people as presented as a case against Mr. James Garland as if the City Council was a court of law, instead of a city council meeting without giving Mr. Garland his civil rights afforded him and his due process as Mr. Garland was being denied his constitutional rights to stand up and defend himself as he is entitled to in a court of law, not at city council meeting by people who think they are the law and demand the city council do something they do not have the power or authority to do so in the first place.

But these ignorant people seem to think the city council has the same power granted to the courts to do what they are requesting the city council do. Which, the city council does not have the legal authority to do so by any Law in the United States of America, less well, the city of Tulelake, CA.)

FYI: BTW: I am not an elected official in the city of Tulelake, CA. So, I do not answer to the city council or anyone else for that matter in the city of Tulelake, CA, including the Chief of Police, Tony Ross and his clan in Tulelake, CA.

IE: BTW: Mr. Tony Ross be sure and present your Doctor Degree in Mental Health. Oh, that is right you don't have one, nor are you qualified to say what a person's mental health condition is or is not Chief of Police who could very well be in hot water by your comments on record at a city council meeting. I would advice you to seek legal council asap Mr. Tony Ross.

Have a nice day.

JG of TNT News
Publisher, Editor, News Reporter and Photographer

Are you people "nuts"?

Yet, you claim I am the one that is "nuts" and mentally "off"?

I don't think so. I will be sure and ask my doctor on Thursday and see what he says about all of your insanity and the possible civil law suit against all of you.

Starting with Tony Ross, the Chief of Police for Tulelake, CA.


54953.5. (a) Any person attending an open and public meeting of a legislative body of a local agency shall have the right to record the proceedings with an audio or video recorder or a still or motion picture camera in the absence of a reasonable finding by the legislative body of the local agency that the recording cannot continue without noise, illumination, or obstruction of view that constitutes, or would constitute, a persistent disruption of the proceedings.

(b) Any audio or video recording of an open and public meeting made for whatever purpose by or at the direction of the local agency shall be subject to inspection pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250) of Division 7 of Title 1), but, notwithstanding Section 34090, may be erased or destroyed 30 days after the recording. Any inspection of an audio or video recording shall be provided without charge on equipment made available by the local agency.

54953.6. No legislative body of a local agency shall prohibit or otherwise restrict the broadcast of its open and public meetings in the absence of a reasonable finding that the broadcast cannot be accomplished without noise, illumination, or obstruction of view that would constitute a persistent disruption of the proceedings.


  1. Four days before the EPO on February 22, 2014.

    There are certain facts that no one knew about my last arrest accept the arresting Officer Tony Ross or the DA. So how did that accuser get that information unless one of the two of the above supplied it to her? Where she made a statement on record at a city council meeting just recently titled: “Concerns with council member”.

    Where I have to hitch hike to and from Yreka, except on those occasions where for personal reasons against me this Chief of Police transport me there all while leaving the city of Tulelake unattended to fulfill his personal grudge against me in this case. Or where by chance I am picked up by someone who knows me as I was on one occasion, but most of the time by complete strangers who give me a ride home or to Yreka, CA. Or where personal friends of mine come and pick me up as private citizens not representing the city of Tulelake but for personal reasons, which are no concern of those who seem to think it is, by placing an agenda item on the city of Tulelake agenda at a city council meeting on record as a public record of their comments directed at me that will also being used in court at the trial coming up in September against me. They act as if they represent the entire citizens of Tulelake all by themselves in the city Tulelake. The same the Chief of Police that is suppose to investigate another complaint I filed against this former Tulelake Police officer, the same former Tulelake Police Officer who wrote the EPO on February 22, 2014. Where she claims she was conducting an investigation, (a bias one due to her personal association of one of the accusers) where she entered my house on February 21, 2014, and made false claims where I was not allowed by her own doing to respond to those complaints because she had already made up her mind I was guilty of something I did not do. When I tired to explain it to her to no avail to her as she refused to listen to me. Where I asked to her to leave as I had had enough of her false occasions the day before the sloppy EPO’s that were written with numerous errors with both the accusers addresses incorrect, as well as mine. And this former police officer that was trained by this very same Chief of Police and worked for the city of Tulelake, not once but twice at two separate times for the city of Tulelake, CA. Where on the February 21, 2014 I called both police co-commissars on the city of Tulelake city council with my complaints against this former Tulelake Police officer I asked her leave me house that evening. The day before the EPO’s dated February 22, 2014.

    The same way I can prove where I was the entire days of February 24, 2014 and February 25, 2014 in Yreka until noon as I was dropped off by a person that gave me a ride all the way to Tulelake that day because he wanted to see the Interment Towers I told him about that were at the Tulelake Butte Valley Fair Grounds on the 25th of February 2014.


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