Yreka, CA-- Log:
4:00 AM across the street from the downtown Post Office is a place called "WINE GALLERY' with the cover hanging over the front doors that says "On Broadway". They are open 4PM to 8ish. And there is another place on the corner of Broadway and Butte Streets.
It is called "OLDSKOOLINK TATTOZ' custom body art. There is an old Army jeep looking truck parke on Butte stree. Like something you would see from the movie and TV program "MASH' from the Korean War. It is located at 325 So Broadway. Phone number 842-MARK (6275)and the office hours.
Open MONDAYS about 9 or 10 occassionally as early as 7,
but SOMEDAYS as late as 1 or 2 but some days as late as 1 or 2.
WE CLOSE about 5:30 or 6, or Occassionallly
SOMEDAYS or AFTERNOONS we aren't here at all., And lately I've been here just about all, and lately I've been here just all the time, except when I am some place else but I should be here , then, too.
Wow what a trip...
" It's written on the door of the building along with the painted store front of the side of the building where the jeep truck is parked where the jeep truck is parked.
Scientific satement of being, there is no life, truely intelligent, nor substance in matter, All is infinate manifestation for God is All-in-all.
rit is immortal truth, matters is moraltal error.
It is real and eternal, matter is the unreal and temporal.
It is God and man is his image and likeness
Before man is not material: he is spirtual.
In Science and Health with key to the scripters
Mary Eddy
...when my heart is overwelmed; lead me to the rank that is higher what I am.
Ps 6:12
Another scripter at 1 Cor `1 1-16
After I that I walked up Broadway to the Native American Hertage Park and watched the sunset around 5:30 AM
Then I met Tamie and her dog at 6:10 AM.
From here I am leaving to go to the court house to file papers...
I missed it yesterday becasue it was after 4 PM and it was too late, the Family court was closed.
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