Tony Ross is a fraud and he needs to go!

Tulelake News

Tulelake, CA— Editorial: Playing favorites in Tulelake

Clarification: I don’t play favorites as some in this community are known to do and have a reputation of doing. Where they pick and chose as to whom they enforce the law against and those they do not. As the saying goes "you do not want to get on the bad side of Tony Ross because if you do he will come down on you", while "he looks the other way on others who are on his good side, the good side of Tony Ross". The very person who takes home every two weeks income, which is close to one third of all the other city of Tulelake employees combined. All going to one man that some in this community complained it was costing the city of Tulelake too much to paying the Siskiyou Sheriff's office department. "Where Tony Ross is costing the city of Tulelake far more than he is worth or ever has been." Where Tony also stated at the last city council meeting that Siskiyou County was having a hard time covering Dorris, CA, the contract they have with the city of Dorris rather than end up paying for "Chief of Police" for their community with the same out come they have seen taking place here in Tulelake, CA with this thief of a "Chief of Police" in Tulelake, CA. There is information that at one time a person got a restraining order against Tony Ross and soon that information will be provided once it has been confirmed as a public record from his past not only here in Tulelake but where he was last employed a yet another phony police officer with a fire arm or fire arms he allowed to be sold or transferred and sold to some one out of state. I know far more information than some people give me credit for knowing about Tony Ross and his past history.

There is an old saying, "if you cannot handle the heat, then stay out of the frying pan." Retire now before you are retired permanently in a prison cell under federal charges Mr Ross.

This is the same man that the up and coming students in Tulelake are suppose to look up to as an example of law enforcement in Tulelake. The same law enforcement officer known as the "Chief of Police" who got a divorce from his wife Leah Ross in-order to have a liquor license, as it is against the law for a "Chief of Police" to hold or even have access to a liquor license. Yet, this same couple that got a divorce live in the same house and go to church at the Presbyterian Church, along with their daughter who works at Ross’s Market.

And on record at the last city council meeting when disusing the problem with gang activity in the city of Tulelake that he is responsible for putting a stop too. Claims there are six cases in the city of Tulelake that he states he is closing out. Where his wife as he referred to her as, not his ex-wife or former wife but "his wife Leah" and the problems they have had with his job when referring to how hard it is for police officers to be hired by the city of Tulelake because once the officers arrives the wife’s do not like living here or feel they do not fit it. Maybe not is not the entire truth as to why they do not want to stay if may have more to do with the person they will be trained to work under the one and only Tony Ross, the most phony "Chief of Police Tulelake has had to deal with compared to the respectable ones who were here before this phoney one arrived and needs to go, NOW!

During that same conversation under Department head comments: where the first time that I ever have seen or observed Tony Ross sat down in a chair like a real person with respect for a city council, instead of usual sitting his rear anatomy on the table out disrespect for the city council as he has been known to do as if he is in charge and they are not. The typical Tony Ross mind set, "Do as I say not as I do" or "It's his way or the highway when presenting his over budget expenses he is unable to account for expenses by blaming it on the way the books are kept, the ones he keeps fixing to match what he has spent and is covering them up to try and do his best to make them match up. Does Kim Kaiser ring any bells for those of us in Tulelake who still remember what happened there?

The same Kim Kaiser who when calling city hall after hours has an extension to leave a message for her as Ext 10, that people are suppose to leave a message with her due to the fact that message has still yet to be changed after numinous agenda items placed on the agenda with that in mind by yours truly on record ,"ME". Yet, guess who gets HIS PHONE SERVICE DONE FIRST? Tony Ross who respects no one except, Tony Ross who seems to think his shit does not stink.

It stinks too high heaven and even heaven has to get out the air fresheners each and every time as this hypocrite speaks or write a report or calls someone to his office for an interview and then brings up things that have nothing to do with the topic at hand to give the impression I ma the bad guy while pointing thinks out if they were true then those people need to be arrested for violating the very restraining order he wants and goes out of his way to try and violate me on Because if they were driving down 4th street where I live they violated the restraining order as should have been arrested or where another one of these people were seen pushing a person in a wheel chair back to his house off of the alley of 4th and F Street, space #5.

Now what about that violation Mr Ross, where is the arrest for that violation that I could have had charges pressed against her and had her arrested for violating the very restraining order she has against me. But I didn't, as I am nothing like these control freaks that have claimed I jumped out of the bushes at the PO office at them. Really?

Maybe Mr Ross, see if you can jump out of those bushes as the rumor they are claiming happened as well as your statement to me during where all of this started and you stated, "That's what you get for all that stuff you put on the Internet," instead of doing your job you came at me in my direction in the presence of a relative of yours and one of my accusers in front of the apartments you own with your wife and daughter long before February 22, 2014 where the officer who wrote the EPO spent many late hours on that street in uniform and on duty in a Tulelake Police Car with one of my accusers who lives at that location.

Which the entire Youtube posts states, not the cut portion AND OUT OF CONTEXT you and the "Community Concerns" group and "Concerns with a council member" presented, not only at a city council meeting AT TRIAL THEY WERE TRYING TO PRESENT AGAINST ME, WHERE YOU JOINED IN AND COMPARED ME TO RICHARD ROTH OF WASHINGTON STATE, but in court to try to convince the Commissar that I was the one doing the harassment and threats with a cane, when the opposite is true when it is played in its entirety about the real TRUTH and you know it and they all four know it and a former mayor who threatened me on record. but because he used the word "if" instead when making those threats, but if the reverse would have happened, even if I had used the word "if" I would have been arrested on the spot in a city council meeting by one none other than the phony Chief of Police of Tulelake, CA.

Tony Ross doesn’t’ answer to me as I am not his judge Matthew 7:1-5 New International Version (NIV) but GOD is and will be when his time comes along with his family when GOD asks what kind of Christians they have been or how they have barred false witnesses against others in this community at city hall as well as in the court Yreka with the rest of the Ross groupies and control freaks, but they still try and take the high road once again as if their shit does not STINK. No one gets to heaven by works but by grace, the grace GOD gives us all that are Christians among us and keep missing the mark and saying GOD or Christianity has nothing to do with all of this at the last loath filled agenda and on record by several of these loathing people against the truth getting out not about me, but themselves.

Sure what truth, who theirs? LOL! The truth does matter and as soon as they take the log out of their eyes, then they may be abbe to see more clearly as their time is running out to start confessing to the TRUTH, before they are the ones who will be facing jail time, not me, when the real truth is presented in a court of law against each and everyone of these frauds bearing false witnesses not only in Tulelake at a city council meeting hearing without due process of law; but in a court of law before a jury in September, September 15th and 16th.

When this entire case to goes to court as I plead, NOT GUILTY! Where the truth will be presented and they may not like the truth that will be presented in court as to the perjury, conspiracy and false 911 police reports against the witnesses I will provide that can prove I was not here in Tulelake, CA at the time but in Yreka, CA during that false 911 call made on February 25, 2014 at 6:30 AM, when I can prove I was in Yreka, CA during that hour on the 25th, of February 25th, 2014...

The same ones that live in the same house as husband and wife and even a Tulelake Police Car is parked there when he is on call. Yet, this is the same man that is defensive when someone accusing him of taking advantage of the citizens of Tulelake. The same citizens that he claimed on record he was not having a meeting at the Tulelake Police Department during the recall of Randy Darrow. The same group of citizens who most recently went to a city council meeting and complained the new Mayor was committing a conflict of intersect for picking me up when I the last time I was arrested by this so called non-bias Chief of police who would not allow me to get my wallet and id out of my bedroom along with a jacket before I was arrested and his comment was, “I can’t do that because you may have a gun in your bedroom, or might accuse me stealing something of yours?

This same man if he is as knowledgeable of the law and my background as he claims he is he would know I have never bought or owned an gun in my entire life, less well with the fact that I have a restraining order against me and it would be a violation if I did. This man is an “idiot” and I told him as much when I was in the holding cell in Yreka as they booked and released me. Where this man is doing his best to try and get the misdemeanor charges brought up to level of a felony. Now why do you suppose that is? The same man who once again picks and choose whom he enforces the law against. The same man who is lucky if he has two less well any more Siskiyou County Sheriffs that have any respect for a man who carries a badge that the rest of the law enforcement community will not back him up because he is a phony officer who carry a batch, which makes honest real law enforcement officers a shamed to be even in his prescience or to claim that he is one of their own in Siskiyou County.

Tony Ross is a fraud and he needs to go along with his groupies and control freaks of all three generations now that continue to harass me, not the other way around, and still daily still from the youngest to oldest of the Crowe clan!

To be continued...

Written by James Garland of Tulelake News
PO Box 772
Tulelake, CA 96134-0772

Home Phone (530) 667-4744
Cell # (530) 708-7852

Email: Tulelake News

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