Durham Police remained close by but kept their distance from the protesters.
This statue has been the center of controversy before after graffiti was spray painted on it a few years ago.
The group that met Monday say their purpose is to “smash white supremacy.”
Around 7:10 p.m. a woman using a ladder climbed the statue of a soldier and attached a rope around the statue.
Moments later, the crowd pulled on the rope and the statue fell. One man quickly ran up and spat on the statue and several others began kicking it.
As Trump’s approval ratings continue to plummet, he is becoming more and more desperate to hold on to his base. It’s why he refuses to condemn white supremacists. And it’s why he continues to pit Americans against one another by demonizing and throwing hate toward certain people or groups.
This President is truly a disgrace. And he continues to prove that every day. Every. Single. Day.
Klamath Falls, OR—It's about time those statues came down, we don't need those kinds of reminders of the past in this country. And I don't think they will be in hurry to replace them. A little hard to be charged with vandalism for something that's needs to come down anyway.
And now for a president to put out the kind of ad above is a disgrace to all Americans. A president that took over 3 days to disinvolve the KKK, neo-nazi's and white supremacists. Even Republicans were not happy with his response time in denouncing the KKK, neo-nazi's and white supremacists. But it will not take long for the president to comment or tweet on the protesters who rushed and toppled a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina.
Lawmakers from both parties had called Trump out for not specifically denouncing hate groups in the wake of a white nationalist rally that left three people dead, including two state troopers, and at least 19 injured.
There are already videos out there threatening to harm people who rushed and toppled a Confederate statue outside the courthouse.
By James Garland of Tulelake News
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Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
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