Debating with Trump supporter kooks

Klamath Falls, OR— Trump supporters can't win the debate knowing there is no way to defend Trump.

Those on the Right took advantage of the protesters against confronting the Democratic Party on March 5th in Washington, DC at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters.

DACA activists from New York were confronting the Democratic Party at their main offices on Capitol Hill. They say the Democrats are "fake allies" to undocumented immigrants.

The majority of people making comments were the kooks from the GOP. There was this one kook Trump Supporter not in favor of DACA Angelina Ramirez who made derogatory comments directed at me personally. Where I reported her 10 comments to FaceBook to be reviewed. Which to this moment only two out of the ten comments have been removed. In the meantime, before I was able to report Angelina Ramirez comments I was suspended for 24 hours for a comment I posted. I was able to finally at least see her comments during the suspension to be able to report them for review to FaceBook.

I bet after I post this article Angelina Ramirez will block me. But that doesn't stop you from clicking on her FaceBook page.

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” ― Mark Twain

There were commenters there who wanted people to run the protesters over with a car.

Here is another great example of the GOP. Candi Archibald · Drive through slowly. Tracy Lynn · Run them over" That must make Republicans proud, a great party the GOP has to want people run over or to have someone drive through slowly. Where some claim "liberalism is a mental disease." (Which doesn't exist and is nowhere to be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) They are fine examples of the GOP.

And this comment: "Michael Neo Noel · Wendy Carr,,, Liberalism is the American nightmare. Can't you people tell, we don't want American liberals in the country anymore. And if things go the way the right wants, we will have you all out of here."

*How to delete unwanted comments in a thread you started. Delete the thread. No need to report comments then...

Nearly nine in 10 Americans (87 percent) favor allowing young immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally as children to remain in the U.S. – a policy known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is a view that spans partisan lines.

Most Americans support DACA, but oppose border wall - CBS News poll

Most Americans continue to oppose building a border wall, but seven in 10 Republicans support it.

This poll was conducted by telephone January 13-16, 2018 among a random sample of 1,225 adults nationwide. Data collection was conducted on behalf of CBS News by SSRS of Glen Mills, PA. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones.

Too Many Years, Too Many Lies! Undocu Youth VS. Dems!

Traditionally, libel was a tort governed by state law. State courts generally follow the common law of libel, which allows recovery of damages without proof of actual harm. Under the traditional rules of libel, injury is presumed from the fact of publication.

· If the plaintiff proves that such a statement was made and was false, to recover damages the plaintiff need only prove that someone had made the statement to any third party. No proof of special damages is required.

James Garland's FaceBook Page

THE BALLAD OF THE WALL - (Parody of) The Battle of New Orleans


PINK FLOYD: "Brain Damage" (As in Donald Lunatic Trump)

Roger Waters Blasts Donald Trump

Pink Floyd's 'In the Flesh' (new lyrics) - The Donald Trump version

Donald Trump in the song Mother from Pink Floyd's The Wall (Should I Build the Wall?)

Donald Trump, In the Flesh, Live from The Wall (Pink Floyd, The Wall Parody)

"Eve Of Destruction" Barry McGuire

Trumpfully Dumb

The Trumpster Trash

The Twelve Days Of Trumpness

You're a Mean One, Mr. Trump.

Mr. Tangerine Man

Crystal Clear Collusion

Against Their Will (Parody Of Bob Seger's "Against The Wind")

Time Of The Treason

The Chipmunk Impeachment Song

Girls Don't Wanna Have Trump

Simply All Deplorable

Trump Tower

Give Sleaze A Chance

The Waffler - Parody of "The Wanderer" by Dion

Crooked Man

Lock, Lock Him Away

Plagiarist In America

Moaning Geezers And MAGA Hatters

Robert Mueller, Baby - Parody Song (Trump Christmas Impeachment)

Um, Did He Lie? A Parody Commentary on the SOTU

Impeach Donald Trump

It's The Most Plunderful Time Of The Year

A Visit From Bob Mueller ('Twas the night before Christmas)

Right Wing Ladies

The 99 Percent (Parody of "Poor Side Of Town" By Johnny Rivers)

Trump Will Bring Us Together

'Sesame Street' has been mocking Trump — here are the best moments

THE AGE THAT WILL BURY US (Parody of) The Age of Aquarius

WE DIDN'T PICK THE LIAR - Parody of We Didn't Start the Fire

HIS BRAIN (Parody of Eric Clapton)

Don't Think Twice They're Alt Right

I Got Kool-Aid

Hello (GOP)

Wake Up Little GOP

Republicans Get A Clue

By James Garland of Tulelake News
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Email: Tulelake News

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