Why were families being separated at the southern US border?

Donald Trump has signed an executive order ending the separation of children and parents who cross the southern US border illegally. The children were detained while their parents faced legal proceedings. While they waited for their parents to be released, the children were put into inhospitable detention centers furnished with metal cages and concrete floors. Audio recordings released by a charity revealed the distress many children were, and are, experiencing in the centers.

Klamath Falls, OR— Stop the BS over they were arrested because they broke the law and their children were removed legally. Yeah, with no way to track them.

The Fourteenth Amendment’s Citizenship Clause is one of the most important provisions of the Constitution, guaranteeing birthright citizenship. CAC uses this and other constitutional provisions, along with federal statutes, to ensure that the rights of all Americans and immigrants are secured.

Separation of migrant children from their families

As part of the 2018 Trump administration's zero-tolerance policy, nearly 2,000 minors were separated from their parents while trying to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border and placed in detention centers. Rolling Stone likened these centers to "prisons" while The Houston Chronicle reported that a movement swelled online to call them "concentration camps." Similarly, former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush compared the images of the centers to U.S. Japanese internment camps during the Second World War. 16 out of 34 of the centers located in Texas had previously been cited by Texas officials for more than 150 health violations. The former head of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, John Sandweg, was critical of child separation telling NBC News, “You could easily end up in a situation where the gap between a parent’s deportation and a child’s deportation is years.”, and that many children might never see their parents again.

Trump administration family separation policy

The Trump administration family separation policy, described by the Trump administration as part of its "zero tolerance" policy, is an enforcement aspect of U.S. President Donald Trump's immigration policy. The policy was implemented in April 2018, and, following immense public opposition and political pressure, was suspended for an indefinite period of time on June 20, 2018, through an executive order.

Under the policy, federal authorities separated children from their parents, relatives, or other adults who accompanied them in crossing the border, whether apprehended during an illegal crossing or, in a number of reported cases, legally presenting themselves for asylum. The policy involved prosecuting all adults who were detained at the U.S.–Mexico border, sending the parents to jail and placing children and infants under the supervision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Trump administration justified its policy by falsely claiming that they were required by law to implement it and that Democrats were at fault. Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended the policy, citing the Bible. Other administration officials argued that the policy was intended to deter immigration or be used as political leverage to force Democrats and moderate Republicans to accept hardline immigration legislation. In April and May 2018, an average of 45 children were taken from their parents per day. According to the HHS, the policy led to the separation of over 2,300 children from their parents, though others said the figure may have been much higher. Authorities made the decision to take children from their parents without a plan to reunite families, resulting in numerous cases of parents and children having no contact since being forcefully separated.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Physicians and the American Psychiatric Association condemned the policy, with the American Academy of Pediatrics saying that the policy has caused "irreparable harm" to the children.

Following the suspension of the policy, the children that were already separated from their parents remain interned; the Department of Health and Human Services stated that the status of children already detained will not be affected by the Executive Order, and will not be immediately reunited with their families.

GOP senators demand details from Trump administration about separated families. And what It’s Like Inside a Border Patrol Facility Where Families Are Being Separated

The Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy has overwhelmed the intended purpose, where children sleep in cages, the lights never go off, and detainees are brought in 24 hours a day.

We now have people claiming when a parent breaks the law, their children are taken away. Since when? Do a web search and you will find nothing where a parent has had their children taken away after they were arrested. It is just GOP Right-wing BS. An excuse to support their insane claim that it is perfectly OK to take away an immigrants children because they broke the law by illegally entering the United States. Which is only a misdemeanor in civil court? How many parents get their children taken away when their parents commit misdemeanors. None.

But it is OK for the Federal Government to do it by way of a policy set by Trump and his Attorney General. And then quote scriptures from the Bible as their jurisdiction and power for doing so. What kind of country have we become where those at the top can make policies just because they think they have the power to do it. Do we now live in Germany where the SS and Hitler make the orders for everyone to follow without question? And where during that same war we allowed Japanise Americans to be put in camps because we did not trust them and thought they were enemies of the state because of their nationalities.

And now all illegal aliens that come from south of the border are assumed to be a rapist and a criminal because of some madman by the name of Trump because he says so. And all his minions fall into line just like good little Nazis that they are. And the Party of Trump is certainly not the Grand Old Party which is now nothing more than the rubber stamp for the fearless leader who ran from the Viet Nam war because he had bone spurs. The Coward, and now he is the Commander and Cheif. BS.

This is no longer the America I grew up to respect and honor as my country. It has become the country of a bunch of Religulous fanatics who think God speaks to them and that Trump was chosen by God to be our president. Talk about a false doctrine that takes the pie, along with the whole cake too. You people who keep supporting this nut case need to also have your heads examed as well. We have a bunch of nut cases in charge of the asylum now.

Good thing there is still a majority of us that is not going to allow the nut cases to overtake our country any more than they have done Nationally, as well as Internationally, where our allies have been insulted and the dictator's honored. What is it with that picture? Not a picture this true American is going to take much longer. Come November there are going to be some changes when voting out all these maniacs in Congress. The only thing right now is to ask the final question? "What is WRONG with AMERICA TODAY?

James Garland of Tulelake News
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