"Hate Has No Business Here"

Hate Has No Business Here

KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Hate Has No Business Here—not in this country, not in this city, not in our businesses and not in our hearts.

In an effort to fight back against divisive rhetoric, a growing collection of civic minded individuals have started a campaign, "Hate Has No Business Here" in KLAMATH FALLS, OR.

The idea is simple: businesses can print a free poster, which includes translations of the title phrase in nine different languages, and post it on their storefront windows.

#hatehasnobizhere Main Street Alliance Oregon Action Fund

Civic minded members throughout the country are deeply disturbed by the inhumane treatment of immigrant families. The hateful rhetoric and violence aimed at refugees fleeing violence, at immigrants, at our Muslim and Arab community members, at women and at people of color in our communities is unconscionable and must end immediately. This swell of hate and fear permeating our national dialogue is dangerous. It must be met head-on with clear statements of principle from local leaders in our communities.

America must be a place where people from all nations, races, genders, and creeds seeking freedom and opportunity feel welcome and can build safe, prosperous lives for themselves and their families. When politicians and pundits and individuals standing on street corners target people in our communities for political gain, or claims of wanting an all white society. They fan the flames of hatred and fear, when they attack our neighbors, friends, family members, fellow business owners, employees, and customers, we must stand up and make our voices and our values heard loud and clear:

We stand united against hate and violence. We stand with our Muslim community members and we stand with refugees and immigrants in our community. We respect women and we value Black lives. We welcome everyone. There is no place for hate in our businesses, our homes, or in our country.

Organizers are working to bring these posters to even more businesses across Klamath Falls, OR. "Hate Has No Business Here" might not be able to curb the amount of xenophobic or racist commentary that circulates online, but, at the very least, it gives the community of Klamath Falls the assurance that the majority of civil society is supporting inclusiveness.

At last nights Klamath Falls City Council Meeting Valerie Lenardson spoke during the public comment section of the council meeting on asking the city council to support their effort by placing banners through out the city of Klamath Falls to discourage the kind of hate filled rhetoric that has been going on with one individual holding up his signs of racism.

Valerie Lenardson mentioned he has that right, but the rest of the community also have the right to stand up against this kind of hatred in our community. Where Valerie Lenardson pointed out that tourist that come to visit Klamath Falls need to know that the majority of Klamath Falls is nothing like what this one individual would like to portray us as being. We are nothing like his kind or anyone that would support this kind of hatred directed at others.

Valerie Lenardson spoke very eloquently before the Klamath Falls City Council with Sherry Keys standing by her side holding up the poster of "Hate Has No Business Here" in nine different languages.

Most of this kind of hatred comes from the top in the political realm of what we have seen coming from Trump and his supporters the last few years. And instead of things getting better, they have declined and gone down hill. Where even Trump has even encouraged this kind of racism himself. Trump has at his last campaign stop, just last week encouraged this kind of hatred directed towards others that do not agree with his dogma. Daily in his hate filled tweets against anyone who disagrees with him and does not bow down to his racist tendencies. And his supporters fall in line lock, stock and barrel, without giving it a second thought.

It is no wonder there are people who think being a nationalist is the only way to go, for fear they may lose their entitledness of being white or the power they think they are entitled too, and the rest be dammed. The party that could careless about anyone else, except for the me first mentality and selfishness for ones self interests above anyone else, but themselves first.

White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study

This is an individual in the streets in Klamath Falls that supports the party of Trump and the party of Trump supports this kind of racism. And to say otherwise would be another Trump lie, one more of many of his since 2015, when Trump envisioned the party of hatred, that Trump, and his supporters represent today in the USA, daily themselves. The kind of hatred that two world wars were fought to stop this kind of racism. Where soldiers died to stop this from happening. Where people stood by and allowed it to happen, or were a part of it themselves, the same way the party of Trump is today with Nationalism.

All while his supporters continue to support Trump and this kind of racism, and continually looking the other way, as they are being the real snowflakes, they claim the other opposing party is being now, for not supporting the racist in the White House.

Must make #MAGA supporters real proud to know that these kinds of individuals belong to the party of Trump, just like they do?

Reality Check time Trump. And Trump supporters, this is of your doing and needs to stop, as it is nothing more than insanity with your party, and you as the party of Trump, you are the ones responsible for allowing this to continue as it has, thinking this is making America Great Again? When the opposite is true, and you know it deep down inside, as the truth, but just don't want to admit the mistake you have made, and continue to make it everyday now, with the racist Trump in the White House.

Sad! Sick! and Shameful that you Trump supporters call yourselves Americans? You are nothing of the kind, as you continue on this racist path and keep allowing this to happen, and keep looking the other way, while wearing your MAGA Hats. What world War I and II soldiers fought and died to prevent, and in the process you dishonor them.

How dare you call yourselves Americans. You are nothing of the kind, nor is the racist you support in the White House, daily.

God Bless America.

Too bad you Trump supporters are not one of them, to be blessed.

James Garland of Tulelake News
Send sources on local and national news:
Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852

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