White Slavery in Apple Valley California

Spoke with a person yesterday on a bench that told me she was sold into White Slavery by her birth mother in 1952 in California...

KLAMATH FALLS, OR— White Slavery in Apple Valley California in the 1950's

In my travels yesterday sharing the story about the bench bullies at 203 Main Street, the Lake Park Towers and giving away the first printed issue of the Tulelake News Weekend Edition. The First issue with the stories about the legal case in the court about Defendant, James Charles Garland and the illegalities of the case being accused of Criminal Trespass II for having a backpack on a bench.

Judge Dan Bunch of Klamath County Court a Judicial Officer has written an Opinion of what he thinks this case is all about, and in the next few days Mr. Garland will receive that Opinion in the mail. Instead of dismissing the case or denying the motions, Judge Dan Bunch has written an Opinion ruling and set on 11/04/2019 for a Hearing - Trial Readiness at 10 AM and on 11/06/2019 Trial - and a Six Person Jury hearing time at 9 AM.

The defendant and Deputy DA Ben Lykins will have an opportunity to read Judge Dan Bunches Opinion with each having their reactions to the Opinion written by Judge Dan Bunch.

In Other News:

When I first sat down and began talking to this woman she claimed she was 57 years old. I thought it was odd at first, but I know someone else who claims he is 57 years old, but he is homeless and living on the streets, and it has taken a toll on his life. So it was possible for this woman, but not very likely. As we shared more about each other, and I asked her how she ended up living in the place she was living in? She said her son had put her there, and she felt she was now better off, and it was a very nice place to live. She enjoyed being there and feeling safe now, with no worries, as everything is taken care of for her.

As we both shared different things about our different lives, she began to tell me how when she was born, her birth mother gave her up for adoption, and she was sold into being part of a White Slavery group in 1950's in Apple Valley, California. Where she was forced into slave farm labor in the Apple Valley, and that her birth mother was still near by, running a motel, and where her mother at one time picked up a frying pan, and hit her over the head with it. And how she was physically abused in her childhood, not only by her mother, but her husband, who was only 3 years older, than she was at the time, in 1966 or 1967.

She also told me she had a twin sister, but they were not on speaking terms right now. But when her twin sister was about 14 years old she got into trouble for running around with a married man. We are talking about 1966, when she was 14 years old. She also told me where her twin sister would take cigarettes and burn her in the face for the pure evil of it. And that her twin sister and her were not on speaking terms right now.

And when she was 14 years old she got married to her husband, the father of her two sons. And I asked her how that was legal, and she said she had ended up as a ward of the court in Nevada, and that it was legal at the time for a minor to get married at 14 years old then, even though she was being married in Apple Valley, California. Her husband served in the Viet Nam war, but when he came back he was not the same person, and started beating her, and after she divorced him, finally, to get away from the abuse. She mentioned that her husband since her divorce had been married 7 or 8 times, after they were married. And, that she had two sons, and several grandchildren, she does not get to see them very often, if at all.

The youngest son is not living here, but he is the one with the grandchildren and her oldest son is the one that helped to find her a good place to live, where she is living now. It was a very interesting hour and half or so, that I spent talking to and where together we figured out exactly how old she was, as she was born in 1952 and she is 67 years old, not 57 years old, as she first had claimed when I first sat down and had a conversation about her past and mine, and what we both have been through with our trials and tribulation that God has allowed to happen to us in our lives of being born in the 1950's. How, we both have suffered in our life times, but in different ways from growing up in the 1960's. I look forward to our next visit next Sunday, handing out the second issue of Weekend Edition of Tulelake News Weekend in Klamath Falls, OR.

Nice visit with a person two years my senior on a Sunday Afternoon, and meeting other new people in my travels handing out the first printed issue to the Weekend Edition of Tulelake News Weekend. Where I went eye shopping and bought a new shirt, and lost my old one, as I left it behind somewhere in my travels, and my water bottle that I sat down somewhere along the way and forgot all about it too. Otherwise, it was a very interesting 11 hours and 20 minute trip stroll around Klamath Falls. I left my house at 10 AM Sunday morning, and returned finally home again at 9:20 PM. It ended up being a 11 hours and a 20 minute stroll, and not a record, but it was enjoyable getting the first issue of the Weekend Edition of Tulelake News Weekend, and getting the opportunity to meet new people, and see old friends along the way, from many places in Klamath Falls, OR on a Sunday Afternoon.

In other news: Judge writes Opinion Letter on Bench Bully Leader Clyde Everett Long of 203 Main Street Klamath Falls

James Garland of Tulelake News
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Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852
