Faith Based and for profit

Two things you will never have to chase: True friends and true love.

JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN


JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/25/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/25/24. Overnights

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/23/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/21/24. Special

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/20/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/19/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/17/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/16/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 4/15/24. Evenings

Faith Based and for profit

Never give up and never quit. Where there is a will, there is always a way...

Klamath Falls, Oregon- If Todd Gessele had five minutes to speak, what would he say? Todd Gessele stated the following: “If you want better stores in Klamath. When you go through the self-checkout or whatever. Pay for your stuff, don’t cheat. Don’t walk out and steal stuff. That’s my message.”

Continued from Issue 53 of Voices

2 Challenges of UGBs

UGBs are not without challenges and trade-offs. They can create unintended consequences, such as increased housing prices, gentrification, displacement, and inequality within and beyond the boundary. They can also face political and legal opposition from landowners, developers, and residents who perceive UGBs as a threat to their property rights, economic interests, or lifestyle preferences. Furthermore, UGBs can be difficult to implement and enforce, requiring coordination and cooperation among different levels of government, stakeholders, and jurisdictions.

3 Synergies with other tools

UGBs can work well with other planning tools and policies that complement and reinforce their objectives and outcomes. For example, density incentives can encourage higher-density and mixed-use development within the boundary, while transit-oriented development can provide alternative modes of transportation and reduce car dependency. Green infrastructure can enhance the ecological functions and aesthetic values of the urban landscape, while affordable housing can ensure that low- and moderate-income households can benefit from the amenities and opportunities of compact living.

4 Trade-offs with other tools

UGBs can also create trade-offs and conflicts with other planning tools and policies that have different or competing goals and impacts. For example, historic preservation can limit the potential for infill and redevelopment within the boundary, while agricultural protection can restrict the expansion of the boundary to accommodate growth. Environmental regulations can impose additional costs and constraints on development within the boundary, while economic development can generate demand for land and resources beyond the boundary.

5 Best practices for UGBs

UGBs are not a one-size-fits-all solution for urban planning. They need to be tailored to the specific context and needs of each city or region, taking into account the physical, social, economic, and environmental factors that shape urban growth and development. They also need to be flexible and adaptive, allowing for periodic review and adjustment of the boundary and the associated

To be continued in next issue. Write-In James C. Garland for County Commissioner Position seats on your ballots.

Past Radio shows

Auditions for Book 2, book tours

James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Cell # (530) 708-7852
