God Is My Boss-Part Two


Tulelake New Times


JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT July 30th 6 PM to 9 PM

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Still Moments

The Core Beliefs of Pentecostals

Most groups of Pentecostals believe in salvation, baptism through the Holy Spirit, healing through Jesus, and the belief that Jesus is returning.

Again, because there are so many different sects of Pentecostals, beliefs tend to differ in some ways. However, most of the churches share the same core beliefs that salvation is through Jesus, healing is possible through Him and He is returning again. Among the core tenants of Pentecostalism are: Most Pentecostals believe in medicine and doctors, but also strongly believe in divine healing. Most believe that baptism in the Holy Spirit begins when the person begins speaking in tongues. Many also believe in the practice of foot washing.

Pentecostals believe in speaking in tongues and divine gifts.

One of the most publicized features of the Pentecostalism movement is the church’s belief in speaking in tongues and in divine gifts, such as healing. Speaking in tongues is thought to be an outcome of baptism through the Holy Spirit. The church believes in the gift of speaking in tongues, both glossolalia (speech in an unknown language) and xenoglossy (speech in a language known but not to speaker). A Pew Research Center study found that globally, most countries with Pentecostalism say their church services include speaking in tongues, prophecy and divine healing. The same study found that 62 percent of U.S. Pentecostals say they have witnessed divine healing.

The Pentecostal Church was one of the first religious groups to ordain women into leadership roles.

In many Pentecostal churches, women are given the opportunity to serve as preachers, missionaries, and some cases as, pastors. Most cite Joel 2 as their reasoning: "Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” Female roles in the church extend to the movement’s beginning. Charles Fox Parham (whose student Agnes was the first to speak in tongues) trained women for ministry. He also commissioned women to establish church plants. Seymour (who headed the Azusa Street Revival) also allowed both men and women to preach and be sent out as pastors and missionaries. While each sect of modern Pentecostalism differs on how they approach women in leadership positions, many churches ordain women or even place them in roles to lead congregations.

The majority believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible.

As divine gifts are welcomed in the church, the belief stems from a literal interpretation of the Bible. One of those cited verses is Mark 16:17-18, which says that those who believe will be able to cast out demons, heal and speak in tongues. Some divisions do not hold strictly to this viewpoint, but another study from Pew Research found that some 68 percent read the Bible literally. One Apostolic church says biblical literalism is necessary “in our fast-paced, highly education, technology-driven word.” “The Truth—and how it is lived out— is more applicable now than ever,” the church’s doctrine says.

Some sects of the religion are strict.

To be continued
JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN

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James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852


  1. Anyone claiming they are a Christian and who supports the POS Trump will answer to my Boss, God Almighty!


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