UPDATED: Dirty Laundry In-laws {Part Two}


Tulelake New Times


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Still Moments

Dirty Laundry In-laws {Part Two}

In place of not having a mother of her own, she had kids to try and make that work, and no mother including you Debra Dean who has their favorites, you have always favored Annette and Rick has always favored Andria. So once again stop the BS about who mom favored and did not favor as it makes you nothing more than a hypocrite yourself Debra Dean and a whinner. Not very becoming.

And before pointing any more fingers and complains about anyone in my blood related family that is not related to you by blood I will see you in court Debra Dean and you best have proof and not hear say, as hear say is not admissible in a court of law.

Clean up your own house first and keep your nose out of other people’s business. How they live or what they do is none of your GD business Debra Dean. Spreading anymore false rumors without facts to back it up in a court of law. You will be served with a Cease-and- Desist letter and a civil action in court will be filed against you.

Enough of your slander and libel and I will own yours’s and Rick’s house as a lean is put on it to cover the lawsuit you will lose and face the consequences of your actions if I hear another word without proof about my blood family, not yours.

Opinions are one thing, facts are another. And one thing is for sure you are not perfect and when you can walk on water and turn water into wine be sure and get back with me, otherwise mind your own business when it comes to my family’s business take care of your blood relations as my blood relations are none of your business and if you don’t stop talking about my blood relatives. I will see you in a court of law keep it up and if you push me any further with your nonsense. Keep it up and see what happens and I will take everything you own then you will have something to cry and whine about when you find yourself homeless and out on the streets begging for a roof over your head and for cloths and food to eat.

Be thankful for what you have and keep your nose out my families’ business or face the consequences. One more word out of your mouth about my mom or my older sister or my brother Ted and you will find yourself in front of civil case judge and I will take everything in your name that you own.

And believe me I have the knowledge and legal expertise to do it. And I don’t need to hire a lawyer I am in the lawyer in Pro Si.

You have been warned and I hear even a peep from the date of this article I will proceed with the proceeding and see you in court Debra Dean. And if anyone hears you talk about any of my blood relatives you will also be served and that goes for both slander and libel.

Got it Debra Dean Garland.

James C. Garland
In Pro Si.

IE: Defamation is punishable under criminal law as well as civil law.

To be continued

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JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN



James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852
