You reap what you sow


Tulelake New Times

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Labor Day Weekend 1 AM to 7 AM Sept 2, 2024

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Labor Day Weekend 6 AM to Noon August 31, 2024.

102 TNT Worldwide Overnights Midnight to 6 AM August 26, 2024 JgTheBoss 102 TNT Worldwide

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 102 Klamath Falls Aug 24, 2024 Overnights Midnight to 6 AM

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT August 16th, 2024 6 AM to Noon TGIF

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Aug 13 Overnights Midnight to 6 AM

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 102 Noon to 6 PM August 11th

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Aug 10 2024 6 PM to 9 PM Evenings

TNT 102.7 FM with JgTheBoss, 2024, August 9th Mornings 6 AM-9 AM worldwide.

TNT in the global Classic Rock chart! 102 with JgTheBoss

JgThheBoss Worldwide TNT Mornings Aug 8, 2024 102 FM 6 AM to 9 AM Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 6 AM to 9 AM Mornings August 5th 6, 2024, Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 6 AM to 9 AM Mornings August 5th, 2024, Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT August 1st 2024 9 AM to Noon

You reap what you sow

When the apostle Paul writes to the Galatian church,“Whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Gal. 6:7),

The intimidation is going to stop and if it doesn’t someone is going to jail for assault along with a restraining order against him.

Just recently discovered there are relatives related to Apartment number 13, next door to me and Apartment number 24. Each at the opposite ends of the same floor I live on.

Where one individual residing in apartment 24 with his sister and her husband and children. That one individual is demanding I go and knock on their door if the male person who lives in apartment 13 tries to physically abuse the woman in apartment number 13.

And I told him it was none of my business and if there happened to be any abusive commotion, I would call the authorities, and they will handle it. He is not a law Enforcment officer, and I am not going to knock on their door so he can rush down there and get into a fight with the man who lives in apartment 13. Not going to happen I told him.

He didn’t like that answer, so he has been going out his of his way to try and intimate me a senior and elder according to their customs.

Just before I went to talk to the neighbor in apartment number 23 about something I wanted to share with apartment 23 to know as he is the Maintenace supervisor.

The person who lives with his sister made it a point to bump into me in an aggressive manor trying to get his point across that he wanted me to knock on the door or he would come after me if I didn’t do what he wanted me to do.

I had, had enough of this situation where I had a conversation with his sister’s husband to have him stop his physical intimidation directed at me as well as his verbal comments.

I mentioned to the husband of her brother that it needed to stop and if it didn’t or he touched me in anyway shape or form I was going to have her brother arrested for senior abuse and file a restraining order next if this person does not get the message to stay clear of me and the situation in apartment 13 is none of my business, unless the man next door is abusing the woman who lives in apartment 13, next door to me.

I will then just call 911 and they will handle the situation but I am not going to run down to apartment 24 and knock on the door in order the for the husband’s wife’s brother to run down to apartment 13 to defend the woman in apartment 13. Not going to happen as it is none of my business what goes on in apartment 13, unless the man is attacking the woman in apartment 13.

Then I will simply call 911 and they will handle the domestic abuse situation not the person who is the brother to the sister who lives in apartment 24. There will be no next time, he even comes near me I will call 911 and start the restraining order with the court.

Bill Clinton: “At the end of the Cold War in 1989, America has created about 51 million new jobs. I swear, I checked this three times…”
JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN


James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Cell # (530) 708-7852
