VOTE YES ON 118- Don’t believe the lies, corporations will be fine


Tulelake New Times

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VOTE YES ON 118- Don’t believe the lies, corporations will be fine

Don’t believe the lies, corporations will be fine -

Multinational corporations like Comcast are not going to stop operating in Oregon because they have to pay slightly more in taxes. More money in the pocket of Oregonians will boost our economy and mean more jobs, opportunities and taxable revenue.

In 2018, a group of everyday Oregonians came together in the coffee shops of Eugene and asked themselves 'what can we do to make our own lives and communities better?' Most legislation is written by partisan figures and special interests, but not us. The Oregon Rebate was written by normal people in our community with a broad range of lived experiences and perspectives, all focused on improving the lives of those they care about and their communities. “We brought together an eclectic group of about a dozen politically-engaged ‘outsiders’ ranging from high-school students to retired folks, from the better-off to the unhoused, and from across the political spectrums to hash out a policy we could all agree on,” recalls Chief Petitioner Antonio Gisbert. “When we focused on the goal of what would make our own lives and communities better, the Oregon Rebate was our answer: Let’s have giant corporations start to pay their fair share in taxes, and let’s put that money directly into people’s pockets!”

This elegant and clear approach to legislation is on the ballot this November. We hope you will join us in changing Oregon or the better!

Every Oregonian will get a rebate of about $1,600 - The rebate will go to every person living in Oregon for more than 200 days, including minors and dependents. According to the State of Oregon’s analysis of fiscal impact, the median amount of the rebate in the first three years is $1,605. This cash will have a profound impact on all Oregon families and the state’s economy.

A huge tax break for you and your household - You can claim the rebate as cash or as a fully refundable tax credit for yourself and every member of your household. If you owe less Oregon taxes than your rebate, you’ll get the cash (like another kicker, every year). According to the Legislative Revenue Office (LRO) households making less than $40,000 won’t have any Oregon tax liability whatsoever after the Measure 118 passes.

Efficient, low overhead program - The state of Oregon already has the infrastructure to return cash to us and we’ll piggyback on those processes. Most Oregonians will choose to receive the rebate as a tax credit, but you can choose to receive it as cash. The rebate program is not “means-tested” so it’ll be easier, cheaper, and faster to implement. The state is “held harmless”, meaning they won’t be liable for any costs nor will they absorb excess revenues.

Cuts childhood poverty in half - Measure 118 will decrease the poverty rate in Oregon by 36% and gives options to families.

Related links:

1. Vote Yes! on Measure 118

Vote Yes! on Measure 118 to get yearly rebates of $1,600 for yourself and every Oregonian, kids included. A four person household will get over $6,400 every year. Paid for by making giant corporations pay their fair share.

2. Get the facts

Measure 118 is good for you and all Oregonians!

JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN


James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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Cell # (530) 708-7852

Tulelake News

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