Klamath Falls to Eugene TNT tours on January 11th, only Part Three


Tulelake New Times

Congrats! You're 90th in the global Classic Rock charts! Hey JgTheBoss! Congrats!! Your upload JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT December 25th Christmas Overnights Midnight 6 AM 102.7 FM KTNT is now 90th in the global Classic Rock chart!! JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT December 25th Christmas Overnights Midnight 6 AM 102.7 FM KTNT



Redding Trip on Amtrak

James Garland (tnt radio) Videos


JgTheBoss Worldwide December 31, 2024, Midnight to 6 AM on 102.7 FM KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon

Klamath Falls to Eugene TNT tours on January 11th, only Part Three

Klamath Falls to Eugene Trip Saturday January 11th and back to Klamath Falls with JgTheboss TNT on board in the lower seats

How can you call yourself a Christian with arrogance at its finest

There is a business owner in downtown Klamath Falls who is not only arrogant he is taking advantage of the less fortunate by having an EBT, a Lotto machine and Lotto games in the same location.

It is bad enough that the less fortunate have very little as it is to work with along with having alcohol, cigarettes and other paraphernalia products at their easy reach and temptation as well in this store downtown.

All while as each person enters his downtown store on Main Street, he looks them in the face and greets them with cheers and acceptance as he accepts their form of payment until they exit the store building and the second, they are no longer in his sight he puts them down behind their backs as the next person in line to make their transaction and gets away with it due to the fact that they are unaware of how he sees them or talks about them every chance he gets. But has no problem taking their money or EBT transactions to add to his daily receipts and bank account with his overpriced food items.

Where he works the entire shift from the time the store opens to the time it closes 7 days a week. Not only does he do this with the less fortunate by gossiping about them he does the same thing with the rest of his regular customers where he looks them in the eyes and acts all good to them to their face until they leave the store building, then he talks about them as the next person in line makes their transaction and the second, they leave he does the same thing with them as well as he has with the customers before them. A regular gossip who doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut and his opinion of others to himself instead of talking about them behind their backs on a daily basis as most cowards are known to do.

And where he loves his Uncle Donald J. Trump and thinks he is the second coming of Christ as all of the rest of the MAGA nutcases do who fall in line with that form of thinking. What I love about people like this they love to put others down without first looking in the mirror of how evil they can be and are and since he wants to bring politics into his business then maybe everyone who is not a supporter of Trump should stop shopping in his store and see how long he survives without their money he takes willingly until they leave his presence then he talks about how bad a person they are the second they are no longer in his site or presence, but he has no problem accepting their money transactions all the way to the bank. He has very few if any friends or any kind in his life except for the hours he spends from the time the store opens to the time the store closes 7 days a week.

Presale group tickets will be available soon...

Setting history straight on the Japanese Interment camp on January 11, 2015

Continued Volume 1396, Issue 009, Jan 1, 2025, back page

Klamath Falls— Turnout was as expected for the low IQ lazy voters in Klamath County for measure 18-120 who voted No last night. Who were conned into voting no for measure 18-20 because they were told it would raise non-existent taxes.

They fell for the con job hook, line and sinker, as the fools they are from not doing their homework; but instead doing what others told them to do, because these 70% low IQ lazy voters always fall into line, as expected by the No Vote con job hospitably group. Who even has an ill-informed director at KCC, who sold them on a bill of goods, while she was re-elected as a Director for Zone 1 at KCC. The blind leading the blind as they say.

Who is also the flunky Tourism Grant Program Manager, along with Museums Director - Todd who was a past employee at the Herald and News. Who is cutting off his nose spite his face to join the con job of no voters. Which, now he will have to live with consequence of being known as part of the vote no con job and the 70% low IQ lazy votes for ever more now. It’s no wonder the 70% Lazy Low IQ fell for such non-sense. No brains.

Really? The truth no brains and lazy. Did you know if a guest tourist rents a motel or hotel room or an RV space that your taxes locally are not going to group personally. Wow! Intelligent thinking, too bad you don’t have those skills, and it shows by the vote you threw away on a con job. Over the creditability of the Klamath Falls City Council, The Downtown Business Association, The Chamber of Commerce, The Downtown Realtors group, other than the con job story by the no vote on measure 18-20 group.

LOW IQ lazy Voters voted NO on measure 18-120


Fired by a person who took a leave of absence who was against Measure 18-120. Laughable!

Related link: Klamath Falls to Eugene TNT tours on January 11th, only Part Four


102.7 FM KTNT



To be continued in next issue of "Simple Truth" Magazine

Sizzlin Downtown Buffet


All Aboard!


Related link: Things happen for a reason or by chance they say

Congrats! You're 100th in the global Country charts! Hey JgTheBoss! Congrats!! Your upload JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Dec 1, 2024, KTNT 102.7 FM Klamath Falls, Oregon. is now 100th in the global Country chart!! JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Overnights Dec 10, 2024 Klamath Falls 102.7 FM Midnight to 6 AM.

Congrats! You're 97th in the global Country charts!

Congrats!! Your upload JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Nighttime 6 PM to Midnight Nov 23, 2024, KTNT is now 97th in the global Country chart!!

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT December 30, 2024, Midnight to 6 AM on 102.7 FM KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT December 28h 6 AM to Noon Mornings on 102.7 FM KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon

JgTheBoss 102 FM Dec 31 2024 worlwide

All New Sizzlin Downtown Buffet Video

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT December 26th 6 PM to Midnight on 102.7 FM KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Overnights Midnight to 6 AM KTNT 102.7 FM Dec 5th Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Dec 1, 2024, KTNT 102.7 FM Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Midday Veterans Day Noon to 6 PM.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Midday Noon to 6 PM.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Oct 25, 2025, Overnights Midnight to 6 AM Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Sunday Overnights Midnight to 6 AM on 102.7 FM Oct 13, 2024

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Saturday Oct 5 102.7 FM KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 10-4 KTNT 102 TGIF Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Saturday's 6 PM to Midnight 102 FM

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 102 Friday Sept 27 TGIF.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Overnights Midnight to 6 AM Sept 24, 2024.


James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852

Tulelake News

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