UPDATED AGAIN: Enough already with the BS in Tulelake

Tulelake News

Tulelake, CA— Editorial: Setting the record straight

Tony Ross, the so-called Chief of Police of Tulelake, and all the while being paid the big bucks for overtime and standby time, while sleeping on the job. And spending City time going in and out of his building on the alley by Main Street and East and West in a Tulelake Police Car and in uniform at least two or three times a day on his shift. Yet, has delayed the MOU for personal gain. As he receives close to one-third of the entire payroll for Tulelake’s payroll expenses, every two weeks.

Where he goes on State property, where he had no reason to be there, except for a personal one for personal reasons, in uniform and Tulelake Police Car, Where it could have taken place at a different time and different place than the one he chooses to do it at. This happened back on May 24th, 2014. While back in front of witnesses at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds while I was reporting on the news for Tulelake, CA knowing very well I was there.

Northern California Cycle Challenge

Tony Ross: "I am tired of hearing you did not know they were there." Mr. Ross did this in front of other witnesses. Talk about harassment, Mr Ross, you take the prize.

Related link: LATEST UPDATE: Arrests made in case being investigated by Modoc County Sheriff's in Tulelake

There are some that . It is time he retired and let someone else do the job, and then he can spend more time in a store, he claims he has nothing to do with it or does not own, because a Chief of Police is not allowed by law, to have a liquor license. What do they do, they get a divorce and yet live in the same house together as husband and wife. And even go to church together as such. As the Tulelake police department car is parked in the drive way of their house, when he is being paid stand-by funds, talk about a thief, stealing from the citizens of Tulelake for personal gain.

Where he filed a lawsuit to regain his job back 10 years ago for his rights being denied. Yet, has no problem denying others of theirs as he picks and chooses at to whom he enforces the law against and who he looks the other way on. Playing favorites is not a respectable position to be in and then claim you are the "Chief of Police" of Tulelake. Wait until his past record as a police officer is presented in court in September and he is the one responsible and in charge of training other Tulelake police officers. Bad apples do not make good leaders. How many bad apples has Tulelake hired, besides just the want to be "Chief of Police", Tony Ross? Answer that question? I can, can you?

I will use a question that was asked by another person at the time I was reporting on the above story that was directed at Tony Ross. “If someone were to ask what they thought of James Garland what would their answer be? Tony Ross’s response was as follows:

“Depends on who you ask? “

I would say then and present the same question when people ask what they think of Tony Ross?

The answer: “Depends on who you ask? “

Talk about harassment, not only by Tony Ross but his groupies who take turns removing my stuff from the Post Office and all condoned by none other than, Tony Ross, the Chief of Police. Along with the control freaks who seem to think they represent the citizens of Tulelake by their own authority that they have appointed to themselves by no one else’s authority but their own and seem to think they have the right to remove others people’s stuff from the Post Office as well that do like. Why? Because they are trying to keep the truth from getting out. And yet, claim they are the ones being harassed in a court of law. BS and they know it.

Karma is a Bitch!

"What comes around goes around"

Then at a city council meeting have a person on record state that he will guarantee that the Chief of Police will do a non-bias investigation against a report, where it was requested that an independent investigator be brought in and where it was pointed out there is no city policy to investigate the Chief of Police for wrongdoing. It is time there be one, starting NOW!

No private citizen can guarantee that the Chief of Police will do a non-bias investigation. I don’t know who they think they are, but no one can guarantee what another person will do. Where that statement was made at a city council meeting, on record, it is ridiculous and they know it. To also to be used in court, as a public record, at a public meeting and the statement made there; including the one on July 21, 2014, and what was said then and by whom!!!

While my valuable time is being taken away for a bunch of nonsense and they know it. But I am the one who has been claimed to be doing the harassment by a group of people that keep harassing me for STANDING UP AND TELLING THE truth THEY CANNOT HANDLE. To the point I have their DNA on flyers they wrote all over my articles I posted at the Post Office. Four of them, to be exact to also be presented in court! Along with how many times they removed my articles from the Post Office in Tulelake, CA and how many times I had to replace them again, sometimes every two hours. Documented at exactly who they are and the time they did it.

While being threatened at a city council meeting on record by a past former mayor, on record at a city council meeting. And by using the word “if” and that is supposed to be acceptable and condoned. Which, that record will be presented in court at trial, set for September in Yreka, CA. Where a hearing on a complaint that was file with the city council was held at a city council meeting and without proper legal notification was held to protect the rights of the Chief of Police as he claimed the policeman's bill of rights as his defense. While a witness spoke against me at a city council meeting that made statements that I was not there to refute. I was not notified at all about the hearing taking place at a city council meeting because the Chief of Police stated on record he knew where I was when he proceeded without my presence because he knew I was dealing with other things in Yreka, CA at the time of the hearing to protect his rights, while denying mine.

My right to be there was denied as usual with this phony Chief of Police that has another citizen guaranteeing he will be honest and truthful in his dealing with me at a city council meeting. Yeah, right, sure. According to the former mayor, I was supposed to check the Tulelake city council agenda's and he felt that was notification enough on record at a city council meeting. Yeah, right again. Where he gave another person who was on the agenda all the time in the world for political reasons during the recall election of that same mayor. Then at another meeting where I was on the agenda, he limited my agenda time to three minutes to present my item on the agenda at that city council meeting on record, once again for political reasons.

Related link: UPDATED: Garland ejected from Tulelake City Council Meeting by Mayor Randy Darrow

When I was elsewhere in Yreka and would be unable to know what was on the agenda for a city council meeting. Where I have the one that posts them online and at the time they were not emailed to as they are now. During that nobody would find them online unless I posted them on facebook or my blog or both. During that time I had no access to it from Yreka, CA where it was posted on the door at city hall or where I would pick up a copy on Friday's as a copy of it was passed to me through the front door, before it was posted legally at city hall. This past mayor on record also expected me to make a phone call and find out when I am out of town as to what is on the Tulelake City Council meeting agendas. Ridiculous.

Some of these city council meetings took place in Jan 2014 and before Feb 22, 2014 which in court will show a pattern of the harassment directed at me before Feb 22, 2014 and the bias investigation that was conducted by a former Tulelake Police Officer who had personal relationships with one of the accusers.

Maybe you should take the time Mr. DA and listen to the city council meeting on July 21st and then you may come away with a different POV and opinion of what is going on here. Along with all other meetings mentioned above That YOU ARE also RESPONSIBLE for letting the harassment continue happening to me from the above-mentioned individuals, groupies and control freaks

WRITE A MOTION and have the entire case dismissed as it should be, before it goes to trial where the whole world to read about the entire trial at tax payers expense. It is time to start charging those who committed perjury, conspiracy and made false 911 police reports, Mr. DA. Along with the slander and libel that has been directed at ME since the very beginning in January 2014.

All of this took place in January 2014 and before Feb 22, 2014, which will show a pattern of the harassment directed at me before Feb 22, 2014 that took place at Tulelake City Council Meetings on record and for anyone to have access to as public records. Those that would like to start to listen on their own as anyone is entitled to hear if they want to hear the truth that is being written here but not as much detail as the meetings will reveal. Along the bias investigation that was conducted by a former Tulelake Police Officer claiming she was doing an investigation while not listening to a word, I was saying in my house. Where she was asked to leave because she did not want to hear a word I had to say in my defense, yet she was conducting an investigation. Where the very next day wrote the EPO's with numinous errors on them on February 22, 2014.

I am tired of my time being wasted and that goes for the DA as well! It is time for a real investigation by this DA. Where I have been unable to make a complaint with the Grand Jury yet due to all these other legal issues and at the same time try and run a local news blog and write stories, edit them, post them, share them using HTML code on the blog and build a website all at the same time. Along with planning to have a booth at the Tulelake Butte Valley Fair next month and now more time taken away for a case that should have never been in the courts in the first place and the errors that were made by a commissioner where she over ruled all of my complaints about the denial of proper discovery issues on record when I was ganged up on not one, but two complaints at the same time during that hearing which I have been unable or had the time to file an appeal on it.

A former attorney who did not want to know more than he was wanting to hear. Bad legal representation by the legal aid attorney I was appointed months ago. And just now I may finally get the legal representation I desire and I am entitled too. But in-order to do that I still have to appear on a complaint, that once again should have never been filed in the first place in court, and the waste of tax payers money on bogus charges, that everyone knows, except for the person who does not have the time to do his job correctly, by allowing his subordinates to do it for him, instead without a proper investigation on false charges by a group of control freaks, whose creditability is in question as their background and truth worthiness’ and can be attested too in Tulelake compared to mine, and my background and past history.

Where she got only one thing right and that I not be denied my first amendment rights while she allowed evidence to be presented at the hearing without due process of discovery time by LAW, even over my objections. If I did not have time to look at all the evidence being presented as I was being piled on at two hearings combined into one. In other words, two against one and a police officer in uniform in a Tulelake Police Car where the Chief of Polices daughter seemed to have time to be there as a witness but did not have time to be a witness in the hearing that was held during a city council meeting. Why?

That the police officer that wrote the EPO was only there to be a spectator and was not subpoenaed on the city of Tulelake time sent by none other than the so-called Chief of Police Tony Ross. And documents that were presented that were not accessed by proper channels but illegally passed to them without a subpoena being issued for those documents which I also pointed out at the hearing as was denied that fact too and because I was in pro per expected me to do the correct cover documents and denied my complaints about the harassment I have been receiving even after that hearing and yet I am the one facing harassment charges from a group of people for standing up for my rights and the first amendment while they file false accusations and commit slander against me to this day and time and place as one of many examples where they attacked the Mayor for picking me up when I was arrested without any ID or funds and was denied getting them in my own house by this Chief of Police, Tony Ross who had no problem arresting me as his way of trying to stop me from getting the truth out about him, his groupies and this vigilante control freak group that did the same thing against the past mayor and came after me for pointing out the flaws in their bogus attempt to have him recalled as mayor of Tulelake. Where I was and have been an easier target and that is why the abuse continues. Where I also have a very reliable source of information that Modoc County will no longer accept any of Tony Ross's cases.


Enough of this BS, it is time the FBI steps in.

BTW: I have not had time to post the report on the last three city council meetings.

Stand-by it's coming ASAP!

Posted on Tulelake New Times by

James Garland of Tulelake News

PO Box 772
Tulelake, CA 96134-0772

New Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com

Home # (530) 667-4744
Cell # (530) 708-7852


  1. No Joke! I am honored and humbled by all the people who read my post this morning.

    Thank you for reading what I write.

    The day starts and ends at 5 pm on the blog and here are the stats at this present time.

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    310 hits on the blog in the 3.5 hoursWow!
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    Enough already with the BS in TulelakeAug 12, 2014, 1 comment 673
    Regular Meetings at Tulelake City Hall at 7 PM Aug...Aug 4, 2014 51
    UPDATED: Vigilante Group at City HallJul 25, 2014 35
    Teresa Williams and Johnny Crowe sware there was a...Jan 22, 2014 27

    Thank you Jose for your comment but I believe there are a lot of people who may disagree with your opinion. Now what do you think?

  2. UPDATED AGAIN: Enough already with the BS in Tulel...
    Aug 12, 2014, 1 comment
    1329 hits since Aug 12, 2014. Now Tim Sheldon keep running your mouth.

  3. Tim Sheldon stay off the iilegal drugs. BTW: Had any more drug-related traffic accidents lately?


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