Tulelakenews.com Todays News: May 17, 2020
Where it seems Judge Roxanne Osbourn had no problem upping the ante on the release agreement for the case #19CR45438. Where it also seems Judge Roxanne Osburn's divorced husband, an attorney on Pine street, under sanctions for misconduct, has had personal contact with one of the accusers, Melodi McGee. That being said and in that case, it means or could mean that Judge Roxanne Osborn also has had personal knowledge of not just one of the accusers, but both of the accusers against the defendant James Garland in case #19CR45438.
Who, both filed false restraining orders against the defendant James Garland falsely to try and gain power over the defendant James Garland, for their loathing of the defendant and claiming the defendant is a criminal. Who are the real criminals here, by filing false police reports, and court documents over a Trespass II case for placing a backpack on a bench? Where there are videos that show a group of unruly children jumping and running all over those benches during the time the video was being taken and not one complaint by Clyde Long about that, only a complaint about a backpack sitting on a bench minding its own business.
Clyde Long called 911 complaining about a backpack belonging to the defendant and wanted the defendant charged with trespassing. Where the defendant was on the right away the entire time while doing a news story. Where during those videos Clyde long can be observed taking pictures and videos of the defendant. Where to date none of those videos or pictures have been presented as evidence against the defendant. Why or how come they haven't or if they even exist. So how silly is all of this and insane is that by wasting tax dollars over a backpack on a bench at 203 Main Street the Lake Park Tower Apartments, in Klamath Falls, Oregon?
Yet, "No Contempt or perjury charges" against either false statements and documents by either Judge Roxanne Osburn or The Klamath County District Attorney's office for the above case. Where the deputy DA Ben Lykins was in the gallery during the hearing from the link above. Where now the present deputy DA assigned to this case has refused to dismiss this case by all the documentation presented in defense by the defendant's attorney that has been assigned to this case by Judge Bunch, the trial judge in case #19CR45438.
Because the defendant after filing 5 motions and the false restraining documents filed by the very same people involved in case #19CR45438 with Judge Roxanne Osburn. Where Judge Bunch asked Judge Roxanne Osburn to make a ruling in the restraining order case, due to a conflict of interest in #19CR45438 as Judge Bunch being the trial judge set for a Readiness Hearing on June 8, 2020, and a Trail set for June 10, 2020, with all the criminals mentioned above.
Yet no charges charged by Judge Roxanne Osbourn or Judge Bunch for the false documents filed in the case #19CR45438 by Melodi McGee. Instead of just a misdemeanor but a felony contempt of court and perjury charge is in order in case #19CR45438.
To be heard before Judge Bunch starting on June 8, 2020 at the Readness hearing, then proceed to trial, unless it is finally dismissed by the DA's Office or by Judge Bunch himself on June 8, 2020, or other rulings by Judge Bunch at that time as a deal for the defendant to finally dismiss this case #19CR45438, once and for all and forever.
So stay tuned...
Continued here.
James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!
321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
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