Melodi McGee and Clyde Long were hopping mad when they left the courthouse on December 9, 2019. Case Dismissed!

Scary Movie 1

KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Todays News: December 12, 2019

On September 9th, the case(s) Melodi McGee Case number 19SK02941 and Clyde Long 19PO011014 against James Garland in two different restraining orders. One being a Stalking Protective Order and the other one for seniors over 65 years old, were both dismissed by Judge Roxanne Osborn in her courtroom Room 114 on the second floor in the Klamath County Courthouse.

Judge Roxanne Osborn's first comments after all parties were sworn in was, "Are we adults here or not? That was the first question Judge Roxanne Osborn asked the Petitioners Melodi McGee and Clyde Long, and the Respondent James Garland in her court room.

Melodi McGee started off by complaining that Mr. Garland was taking videos of her house, and vehicles without her permission, and, that she did not like the fact, that her house was in James Garland's videos, and, Melodi McGee was upset with it. And felt, it compromised Melodi McGee's safety. Which, is a feeling, NOT a physical threat, as Melodi McGee had claimed, under oath, with Melodi McGee's filing of Case number 19SK02941, on Oct 24, 2019, and signed in front of a notary, and signed as being the truth, in everything, Melodi McGee claimed Mr. Garland had done. Melodi McGee claimed, Mr. Garland had been in front of her house, at 3 AM on September 21, 2019, and that on September 22, 2019 her vehicle, had been damaged, and, the tires were slashed, and, Melodi McGee accused Mr. Garland had been the one that had done the damage to them.

Mr. Garland said, "he was not even there on that day and did not do it."

Judge Roxanne Osborn said to Mr. Garland. "If you would have done it, you would have been arrested and charged for it."

Melodi McGee also claimed on September 18, 2019 that Mr. Garland had left a threatening note on her vehicle, at her place of employment. Mr. Garland stated it was not even his handwriting.

Scary Movies for Sale and TGIF Friday September 20, 2019

Judge Roxanne Osborn asked Melodi McGee if she was fearful? Mr. Garland interrupted and stated that first of all he was never near her house on September 21, 2019, because the video Melodi McGee referred to, was actually taken on September 15th, when Mr. Garland was on his long walk, from his house around town, which happened to be a Sunday.

And there are no buses on Sunday's in Klamath Falls, OR. And it took Mr. Garland 11 hours and 20 minutes to take that long walk, talking to people and handing out the Weekend Edition of Tulelake News, and, that Mr. Garland was at that location and area on the 15th of September, at around 10:30 PM, not on September 21st as claimed by Melodi McGee in her Stalking Protective Order, and that Mr. Garland took the video on September 15th, not the 21st of September as claimed, by the Petitioner Melodi McGee. And Mr. Garland claims he had no idea where Melodi McGee lived, or the officer's name from the June 26th incident at 203 Main Street, Lake Park Tower Apartments. Until Melodi McGee filed her falsified, Stalking Protective Order Case number 19SK02941 on Oct 24, 2019.

And Mr. Garland mentioned that the TGIF video was created on September 20th, not the 21st as claimed by Melodi McGee and, that Mr. Garland had the time stamp from the date the video was made. And Mr. Garland also mentioned that the sign that Melodi McGee put on her vehicle was not even in his handwriting.

Mr. Garland also pointed out that there was no contact between Mr. Garland and Melodi McGee since June 26th, 2019, and that the first and last contact was when officer Hutchinson was present, and the Bench bullies video at 203 Main Street at the Lake Park Tower Apartments was made. Melodi McGee called 911 and made a false complaint, and the video of an incident on June 21, 2019. Melodi McGee, also made yet another 911 call, and accused Mr. Garland of damaging one of her vehicles the same day the Stalking Protective Order, Case number 19SK02941, and Clyde Long's 19PO011014 against Respondent James Garland, and a Klamath Falls Police officer, Officer Moran knocked on Mr. Garland's door questioning where Mr. Garland was at that day, and if Mr. Garland had gone anywhere, or left his apartment at anytime?

And, Mr. Garland gave the Klamath Falls Police officer, Officer Moran his answer, and, where he had been that day and what he was wearing and Mr. Garland had a receipt from where he had gone that morning.

Melodi McGee claimed Mr. Garland had damaged her vehicle once again? And before she has been given or granted the Stalking Protective Order, Case number 19SK02941, where Melodi McGee made a 911 call claiming Mr. Garland was the one, that did it. Where Mr. Garland had a Klamath Falls Police officer, Officer Moran who knocked on his door accusing Mr. Garland as much, on incident #39, on the very same or the day after, when the Restraining Orders were served on the defendant Mr. Garland.

Right after that Mr. Garland had, had enough of this before, it even starts. Mr. Garland, then called and left several voice mail messages with the Klamath Falls Police Chief, Chief David Henslee. Chief David Henslee returned Mr. Garland's voice phone messages and Chief David Henslee and Mr. Garland and had a chit, chat about where Mr. Garland had planned on calling Chief David Henslee, as a witness in case #19CR45438. And Chief David Henslee returned Mr. Garland's call, Klamath Falls Police Chief, Chief David Henslee mentioned during the conversation with Mr. Garland that since they had spoke and if Mr. Garland called him to the stand, he would have to let the Judge Dan Bunch know that Mr. Garland had a discussion about this case #19CR45438. with Klamath Falls Police Chief, Chief David Henslee.

Later on that day Mr. Garland left another voice mail letting Chief David Henslee know that Mr. Garland would be doing that his self, and letting the Judge Ben Bunch know that Klamath Falls Police Chief, Chief David Henslee and Mr. Garland had a conversation and discussed this case #19CR45438 and the other two cases with Melodi #19SK02914 and Clyde 19PO11O14, and that Mr. Garland was filing his own Protective Order against Melodi McGee, and that number is 19PO011960. And due, to this situation before the court now, that Mr. Garland would not be calling Chief David Henslee, and that Mr. Garland would inform the Judge Dan Bunch himself, about the chat over the phone with Klamath Falls Police Chief, Chief David Henslee.

Judge Roxanne Osborn mentioned at this point or close to it at this point in the proceedings, that the Assistant Deputy DA Ben Lykins was in the galley, and was observing the proceedings.

Melodi McGee made the statement that Mr. Garland had called CPS, and made complaints about her .

Judge Roxanne Osborn response was that was not a physical threat and did not fall within the reasons or scope to grant a Stalking Protective Order.

Then, Judge Roxanne Osborn wanted to hear from Clyde Long, the Petitioner in case number 19PO011014 filed also on the 24th of October as was Melodi McGee's Case number 19SK02941. Clyde Long claimed he did not like all the slander and false charges Mr. Garland was saying about him. Clyde Long did not like being called a "Bench Bully" or the "Leader of the bench bullies." And Melodi McGee felt the same way about the slander against her employer Lake Park Tower Apartments. Melodi McGee also claimed Clyde Long was a volunteer for Lake Park Tower Apartments. Where Melodi McGee claimed that fact in one of her pages in the Stalking Protective Order, Case number 19SK02941. Melodi McGee mentioned to Judge Roxanne Osborn that Mr. Garland was selling the stalking videos without her permission and her house on 234 Riverside Drive was in the video that was taken at night.

Judge Roxanne Osborn stated who would want to buy them anyway? Bench Bullies Videos For Sale

Melodi McGee wanted Judge Roxanne Osborn to issue an order stopping Mr. Garland from posting his videos on Facebook. Where Judge Roxanne Osborn stated she had no control over what Mr. Garland posted on a social media site.

Mr. Garland made it a point to mention to Judge Roxanne Osborn that he was trying to get tours going about the Modoc Wars in the Klamath Basin, and was way too busy doing that, to be trying to harm, or damage somebody's stuff, and for what reason? And that Mr. Garland, started Tulelake News ten years ago in Tulelake,CA.

Mr. Garland interrupted and mentioned that Warner Brothers had a claim on the videos, and that Mr. Garland had appealed to Warner Brothers, and afterwards Warner Brothers reviewed the videos, and released their claim on the videos.

Judge Roxanne Osborn at that point mentioned that in the 38 years she had been on the bench she had not seen a libel slander suit come through her court room.

Judge Roxanne Osborn denied Melodi McGee's Stalking Protective Order and Clyde Longs Protective Order. And denied both of Mr. Garland's Protective orders and amended Mr. Garland's Arrest and Release Agreement to stipulate - Defendant may not contact Melodi McGee. Clyde Long, 234 Riverside Drive where Melodi McGee lives, 201 Main Street, 203 Main Street, and/or 205 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR.

Mr. Garland pointed out he had not been to 203 Main Street since the citation and Criminal trespass. And Mr. Garland asked Judge Roxanne Osborn if her Amendment meant the south side of Main Street? Judge Roxanne Osborn asked why? And Mr. Garland pointed out that sometimes he goes to Waffle Hut, and that he lives on 5th and High Street. Judge Roxanne Osborn had no problem with Mr. Garland walking on the south side of Main Street, but for Mr. Garland to stay away from the north side of Main Street at 201 Main Street, 203 Main Street, and/or 205 Main Street and 234 Riverside, where Melodi McGee lives. Which, was stipulated in Judge Roxanne Osborn order.

Clyde Long has a second residence located at 220 N. El Dorado, Klamath Falls, OR. Makes one wonder if Clyde Long has reported that fact to Social Security Department, and if he is actually is a volunteer as Clyde Long has been claiming and Melodi McGee clamed Clyde Long was in her written statement filed in the Stalking Protective Order, case number 19SK02941? Clyde Long attends Hud meetings, and who pays for his trips and expenses? And Clyde Long does all the maintenance as a volunteer, and enters tenant's apartments looking for alcohol in their apartments, when the tenant allows him to make repairs and they are not at home, and he takes pictures to give to others while they are not present.

Because it is in the house rules as a violation of the tenant agreements at Lake Park Tower Apartment. And that Clyde Long is not getting a discount off his rent or a rent free apartment that Clyde Long has not been reporting to Social Security is questionable? It's No wonder Melodi McGee and Clyde Long have a fear of Mr. Garland sitting on the benches at 203 Main Street the Lake Park Tower Apartments for fear that more tenants may come forward and share with Mr. Garland the complaints they have against both Melodi McGee and Clyde Long. And Melodi McGee's Stalking Protective Order and Clyde Longs Protective Order were not a physical Threat as they claimed in the filings, rather a fear of being exposed, as the abuse that has been going on at the Lake Park Towers Apartments, years before Melodi McGee ever even arrived.

This is not a case of Trespass II, but rather a case of Melodi McGee and Clyde Long hiding things, they don't want to be exposed or discovered about their abuse to the seniors at the Lake Park Tower Apartments. That is where their fear comes from and that is of being discovered for all the illegal things, they are doing against, the tenants at 203 Main Street, the Lake Park Tower Apartments. And all the false 911 calls Clyde Long has made over the years, against innocent people. And the threats they make against tenants, if they don't fall in line. Such as threatening senior tenents, if they testify in court cases with being evicted, if they testify in court.

They both wanted the Stalking Order and Protective Orders so they could get revenge against Mr. Garland, with the threat of doing their best to have Mr. Garland violated and arrested, as many times as they could. They both have conspired to try get that power, and their attempt failed, in the court on Monday December 9, at 4:00 PM with the ruling by Judge Roxanne Osborn dismissing both of their false cases and abuse of using the system to get revenge against Mr. Garland. And there are people just like the two of them that do that every day, and get away with, this time it failed as it should have done with both of them filing their false Stalking and Protective Orders.

After Judge Roxanne Osborn made her ruling; both Petitioners left the court room, leaving Mr. Garland to gather his laptop and evidence he did not get a chance to present to the court.

Melodi McGee, Clyde Long and Assistant Deputy DA Ben Lykins walked out together, as Mr. Garland gathered his laptop, and files off the defense table, and put them back in his brief case, and then exited the court room.

Mr. Garland noticed on his way out of the court room that were Melodi McGee, Clyde Long and Assistant Deputy DA Ben Lykins gathered in a meeting room off to the side of the court room on his way out of the court house.

On Tuesday morning December 10th Mr. Garland filed an affidavit to have the court approve an appointed attorney and that on December 11, 2019 and Order - Appointing Counsel Judicial Officer: Bunch, Dan, Comment: Attorney: A Kersey Original Pro Se from case number 19CR45438.

Which, Mr. Garland will be calling A. Kersey Public Defender and setting up an appointment for legal council for case number 19CR45438.

It is Mr. Garland who is the one that needs a Protection Order, for all the evidence Mr. Garland is in procession of against, both Melodi McGee, Clyde Long and the fear they may try to attack him physically, or have someone do it for them. Now Mr. Garland is going to turn over all that evidence to A. Kersey Mr. Garland's Public Defender. Mr. Garland's appointed attorney by Judge Dan Bench, from his ruling on December 1, 2019.

Once other tenants feel it is safe to do so, they will start coming forward, with their own set of complaints against both Melodi McGee, Clyde Long.

TGIF Friday September 20, 2019

Related Links:

1.Getting THE TRUTH OUT about Tulelake City Council Meetings

2.Demands the city of Tulelake cannot legally do

3. False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part One)

4. False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part Two)

5. False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part Three)

James Garland of Tulelake News

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