Tulelakenews.com Todays News: May 15, 2020
It has not been easy or as easy as some seem to think it is. There are a few who detest the ground I walk on and wish I were gone or no longer alive. But God has other plans, the plans they do not like. Like the recent passing of Little Richard, there has been my share of detractors. Those if they had one wish, they would wish I was gone, forever. Why? Why you ask? It's very simple it's because I tell it like it is. The truth they do not want to hear or face in their lives. I will and have said it many times I am not perfect, no one is.
Yet, there are people out there that claim they are Christians. All while doing just the opposite where no one can see them, but God. Where they go out of their way with hatred for their neighbor next door over a fence boundary. Sweep leaves and anything they can find under that fence towards their former sister-in-law out of the hatred over a disagreement that took place years in the past. And her husband's brother who was once a city clerk in a small town just south of Klamath Falls, OR. The brother has now passed and is gone and passed away just before my return to the mainland in 2015 from Ocean View, Hawaii, the Big Island, USA.
Where there is yet another group that sits around a table gossiping while doing what they claim is their Christian duty to help children in far off places. And the biggest burden for them is when they don't have all the supplies to insert into these boxes. They have to make a list and go shopping or weave caps and gloves for the local school children and buy yarn to weave them. What a sacrifice that must be?

All while claiming amongst themselves what great Christians they are for taking on such a feat. One by one they pat each other on the back for the time it took to complete such tasks.
Or where you were no longer going to house and dog sit by being told without asking first to see if I might have something scheduled. "Be sure and mark your calendar for our trip down south" or whatever trip this couple was about to venture on that they did not want to take their dog with, them on. It was expected. And when I choose not to do it anymore, the wife burnt her bridge with me. The same way she had with her brother in law before he passed away and the sister in law still living next door.
Yet, these are examples of great Christians who never walked among the less fortunate or even broke bread with them as I have done many times. Because I know what it is like to be homeless and no food or not knowing where you will sleep next or what you will eat. Been there, done that several times in my life, and until you have, you have no idea what the less fortunate go through on a daily basis. And neither one of these people would make it a day, before crying out to God. Why me God? What did I do to deserve this God? All while condemning others they do not know. Because they feel these people get everything free and they loath the fact that someone might get something for free that they didn't get. After all, they feel it is unfair others get things for free that they don't get. And yet have never sacrificed a thing or ever gone without in their lives. Always hoarding stuff for fear they may run out of something and not have it in their pantry or stored in the garage.
They think giving money or time is the Christian thing to do and is sacrifice enough. Yet, have never gone without, been homeless or gone hungry a day in their life. But who did Christ walk among? Christ walked among the sluts, the whores, the thieves, the criminals.
Where most recently the husband made the comment that he hoped I would go to jail over the latest court case due to go to trial on June 10, 2020, in Klamath County Courthouse for case #19CR45438.
The Tony Ross, Cheif of Police groupies tried to pull the exact same thing that the bench bullies at 203 Main Street at the Lake Park Tower apartments have tried to do by filing false documents the same way the Tony Ross Groupies did in 2014, in Tulelake, CA.
When all else fails to be sure and call me a criminal that has never ever been charged and found guilty of any crime. But what else can we expect from the hateful, loathing ignorant people who can't deal with the truth about themselves and how they will go out of their way to even file false documents to try and get revenge over me for telling it like it is...
I stand up for the less fortunate and my first amendment rights doing the news and that is my American Right, that these people and the courts seem to forget and will spend tax dollars on a Trespass II case over a backpack on a bench while doing a news story.
Now talk about insane? Well, there you go your tax money at work being wasted by the County of Klamath and the DA office in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Continued here.
James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!
321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
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Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852
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