In Search of "Justin Beaver" in Klamath Falls, OR (Part One)

In Search of "Justin Beaver" in Klamath Falls, OR

KLAMATH FALLS, OR— In Search of "Justin Beaver" and why he does not belong on the streets in Klamath Falls, OR.

Strange as it might seem I tried several different ways to edit and upload the video I have of Justin Beaver. It is as if it is not meant to be seen for whatever reasons. And they are different reasons in each of my editing programs. Each with a different reason why it was not going to work. And the only thing I could even get was the tail end of the video recording. Plays fine in my camera and I even edited it in another one but for some reason that program would not allow me to get access to YouTube or Facebook in order to upload the edited version I spent hours editing it into the wee hours of the morning on February 24th, 2019.

The main program I like to use would only let the tail end of the video be seen, the part you see on the video that has been uploaded and edited. Yet, it is one piece as it was recorded originally, with no cuts in it. And the third program would let me see a picture of it but it would not play at all. And would play fine in Quicktime player. It is the oddest thing I have ever come across when editing video in all the time I have been editing videos.

The day started out with a group of Christians from Portland that come to Klamath Falls to minister in the Klamath County Library. When I first arrived I noticed they caught a homeless man coming out of the library and the leader of the group praying for him. I went inside and turned around and decided I would see if they would approach me to see if I was homeless. If I just sat using my cell phone sitting on the flower bed, next to the corner of the building. Where most homeless sit when they are outside smoking or using their cell phones for a private conversation, and that way not disturbing others in the library.

The group from out of town gathered by the black truck they had arrived in and the station wagon parked behind the black truck. I didn't get a chance to write down the name of the group but would not be hard to find out from the library as they are expected to return this coming Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 to hold a meeting in the library somewhere I guess.

I sat there and waited while the rest of the group was chatting about everyday things and not paying any mind to me as to whether I was a homeless person or not. By this time the leader had stopped praying for the homeless man and was heading back to the black truck for them to leave and head back to Portland I assume. As they were all pilling in, I said something like, "Did you ask if I were homeless?" It took a second for it to register with them And, "Bless you too in Christ'. Then I said, "What if I were homeless?

That got their attention from the woman who had said, "Bless you too in Christ'. And I asked, "Why didn't you ask if I was homeless?" That really got her attendion big time. She was like. "What, what did you say?" I said, "I was sitting here and you never asked me if I was homeless?" "Why?" "Well, I never thought about it?" "Really, and why not?" "You thought you were done telling the world about your Savior Jesus Christ". "And that you had done your duty and were heading home now".

"You were not paying attention. but only to yourselves and you figured you were done. But you did not even look around in case there might be the last soul you could save and forgot all about the reason why you were here in the first place. Your job wasn't done, until every last soul around you was saved. But you would have left and not even thought twice about it, until I brought it to your attention. I mean, after all, you have chosen it to be your job at saving the souls of the homeless, that you could have very well not spoken to one or even asked if he was homeless or not?"

Then we went round and round how they claimed they were such Christians for Christ and saving souls everywhere they go and they did not want to see Klamath Falls turn into Portland. Yet, they want to ask every homeless person they try and help with the same general question? "Do you know Jesus Christ and have you been saved?" I just shook my head. Like nobody in Klamath Falls has ever heard of Jesus Christ. Like anywhere else in the The USA for that matter either. That is one of the dumbest questions that Christians ask. They are so geared into their religion, not the Bible, but their religion. That is usually the first thing out of their mouths when trying to help others. "Do you know Jesus Christ and have you been saved?" It is really none of their business, but they seem to think it is and it is there Christian duty to do it.

From: "UP FROM HERE" Chapter 1: Roseanne Barr RW

"The strangest thing happened this morning, as I was waking up. A thought had occurred to me from somewhere, not a voice, but a thought. That everything I have been going through up to this point has been a test, a test of my faith to see if I would give up on God or blame God for all that I have been going through. How could I? The word of God says to have faith, trust in God and be patient and all things will work according to His will, His purpose for us if we put Him first in all that we do. Maybe all the things that I have experienced were to teach me HIS ways, not mine."

Why won't good works get us into heaven? or, Why does God condemn "good people" who simply don't believe in Jesus?

In order to get into heaven - which means living in the presence of a morally perfect God who abhors evil - one must be perfectly righteous. Most people understand this to mean not doing anything bad, but righteousness is more than not doing what is obviously wrong. A perfectly righteous person not only doesn't do wrong, they don't want to do wrong. Not only does a righteous person avoid hurting people in anger or having affairs, they avoid fantasizing about these things (Mt 5:21-22, 27-28).

Homeless Man Does Breathtaking Act Social Experiment

New International Version Matthew 25:42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,

To continue with the above chat. And I mentioned to them that is the worst thing you can do to a homeless person is start off with, "Do you know Jesus Christ and have you been saved?" The missions love to do that. And in order for the homeless to eat or get a mat, they have to attend a service listen to the Word of God, and if they don't, they don't eat.

Jesus never said, "Listen to my sermon, and then you can eat and rest your head." They were at odds and could not understand my reason and did not accept it too well. No matter what they would continue with their ministry doing as many do, "Do you know Jesus Christ and have you been saved?" And having just as many go the other way as they are trying to bring them to Christ.

The good thing out of all of this is they hopefully learned to pay attention, before leaving a place again and to be sure that they ask every person around them, that they see, if they are homeless or not. And after all that I was still invited to observe and videotape their next session in the Klamath County Library, next Saturday, March 2nd, 2019.

And that was the first part of the day, now on to the interview of Justin Beaver, next in Klamath Falls, OR.

In Search of "Justin Beaver" in Klamath Falls, OR (Part Two)

Related Link for Justin Beaver: False Fire Alarm Pranksters in Klamath Falls, OR

James Garland of Tulelake News
Send sources on local and national news:
Cell # (530) 708-7852

Links to all of James Garland's sites

Homeless Helping Homeless HHH.

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James Garland Facebook Page ---> Here

Tulelake New Times Facebook Page ---> Here

Tulelake News Facebook Page ---> Here Facebook Page ---> Here

Liberal Local Politics USA Facebook Page ---> Here

Klamath Falls Indivisible Facebook Page ---> Here

#WalkAway Fraud Facebook Page ---> Here

Last Chance Hotel Facebook Page ---> Here

Last Chance Hotel YouTube Channel ---> Here

TheRealRocks4me YouTube Channel ---> Here

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