False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part One)


Tulelakenews.com Todays News: December 6, 2019

Story below is an example of people abusing restraining orders. The same way others are trying to do the same thing now...

As people who don't like the truth coming out about them, will abuse the system that is meant for people who are really in need of them.

Tulelake, CA- January 18, 2014

There was a on going investigation by the FBI, Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO), with an investigation against the Tulelake Chief of Police; Tony Ross. “Tulelake Mayor Randy Darrow believes the investigation was sparked by an arrest made by Chief Ross on February 3rd, Super Bowl Sunday.

"The allegation was misconduct, racial." “But current Mayor Darrow reports that the Tulelake City Council has voted to free the chief of any blame...” Even though the F.B.I. and Siskiyou County investigation has not yet been completed. A release from the Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office last June estimated the investigation would take 30 days. An F.B.I. spokesperson was not at liberty to comment on the status of that investigation.

At the Tulelake city council meeting Teresa Williams brought before the city council her concerns about the new utility policy that went into effect January 1, 2014. Teresa Williams brought up the fact before the city council that she had an agreement with Charlie, the past Finance Director for the city of Tulelake. There seems to be no record of any written agreement in anyone’s file at city hall regarding an agreement made between the utility customer and the city of Tulelake according to Jenny Coelho the City Administrative Clerk for the city of Tulelake. Teresa Williams went on to say, “Don’t think it is fair. Don’t think it’s right. People are having a hard time right now.”

Another point was brought up to check with the city attorney about the legally between the city of Tulelake as an oral agreement and written agreement. Johnny Crowe piped up and said, “You don’t have to listen to what Garland says”. And then Teresa Williams made the comment directed at Garland, “Be quiet”. Where Garland responded by saying, “this is a public meeting and I have a right to speak up”.

In the public comment section of the city council meeting, “James Garland” made the following comment. “Why not have the city attorney check into the legal binding difference between an oral agreement with the city and a written agreement to see if the city has to enforce an oral agreement vs. a written one between Teresa Williams and the past finance director Charlie who it has been claimed made the agreement with Teresa Williams.

Where Teresa Williams is unable to find her copy of the written agreement to present as her proof and no agreement of any kind has been found in the files at city hall. Where both Johnny Crowe and Dar Carroll yelled out. “Do you know how much it cost the city to have the city attorney find out that information? $150.00 an hour was blurted out by Johnny Crowe a former city of Tulelake Mayor and council member at one time in Tulelakes past mayors.

The comment section at the city council meeting is meant for members of the community for members of the public to speak out or make a comment. Council member are not suppose to be able to speak during that section of the city council meeting but this city council does not always follow that periodical.

Teresa Williams and her father a former mayor Johnny Crowe and Tony Ross's Groupies. Which consisted of Tony Ross's daughter Amber, and Jackie Gow started a recall against Mayor Randy Darrel and few others joined the recall.

"People have the Constitutional right to speak" according to the Mayor of Tulelake on February 12, 2014

The City Clerk Joe Cordonier brought the council an update with the most recent recall effort and the status for the recall election slated for June 3, 2014. And enough signatures were gathered to put the recall on the ballot and they have been verified by the Siskiyou County Clerk Colleen Setzer. Along with several slots for people who are interested in a seat on the city council, should the Mayor Randy Darrel be recalled and lose his seat, not only as a council member, but as the Mayor of Tulelake, CA.

According to Mayor Randy Darrow, “People have the Constitutional Right to speak. My dad’s service in the Army where he went across to Germany to keep that right and defend the Constitution.” Where Jerry King spoke up during his comment section and stated, “It’s a bunch of boloney”. And where Dar Carroll made the following comment in the last Regular City council meeting, “I will resign my seat if this recall goes forward’. Council member Tom Cordonier had "no comment at this time."

And once again someone had gone around and falsely saying that the Mayor Randy Darrow was going to raise the utility rates and that information is what was being presented when people were going around tying to get people to sign the recall petition, according to a reliable source.

Misconduct committed by Tony Ross, Chief of Police of Tulelake, CA on February 14, 2014

Tulelake, CA- On Tuesday February 18, 2014 there is a regular city council meeting set for 7PM. The city council could also have a special council meeting at 5 PM on Tuesday, to the discuss the termination of Tony Ross, the Chief of Police who has committed misconduct, and should now face the consequences of his actions/non-actions by the complaints made against him by James C. Garland aka TNT.

James C. Garland who at the last city council meeting filed a Personnel Complaint against Tony Ross, the Chief of Police of Tulelake and the complaint was signed and accepted by Co-Police Commissioners Dar Carroll and Tom Cordonier and Tulelake Council members.

Penal Code section 832.5 requires each department or agency which employs peace officers to establish a procedure for investigating citizens' complaints against such officers. Each department or agency is required to make available to the public a written description of the procedure it uses. Complaints, reports, or findings must be retained for a period of at least five years.

They lied and should have been charged with perjury.

Tulelake New Times August 16, 2014 at 2:44 AM

Eight days before the EPO was written on February 22, 2014. A former Tulelake Police officer of Tulelake spent city of Tulelake time in a patrol car and uniform with one of my accusers late into the evenings some times information that was received by a reliable source. This person also has made accusations about me jumping out of the bushes by the Tulelake Post Office. Maybe people should look at those bushes that I have been accused of jumping out of and see if they think that is even possible or not?

Written eight days before the EPO that was written on February 22, 2014, by a former Tulelake Police officer and my accusers filed with the court on February 22, 2014. Where the Commissar in charge of both cases denied my harassment complaints by these accusers against me on technical grounds without prejudice.

Where this very story was presented as evidence of the Agenda Dated February 18, 2014, with one of the accusers as the person responsible for the agenda item on the Agenda was Terisa Willams, and her father is John Crow a former Mayor of Tulelake, who also threated me is a city council meeting, and the excuse was he used the word, "if" you ever'. The abuse that was received by all parties involved at this city council meeting, before the EPO was filed. Which shows a pattern of harassment received even up to this present time by both accusers and the Chief of Police for Tulelake, CA and the comments that were posted to my Facebook pages during this time period before it ever ended up in the courts by both accusers for several manufactured complaints. Where one took place in the Library in Tulelake, CA and the other one at Jocks Market, both before the court during that time.

“Community Concerns” where a former mayor allowed this to take place as this group began to present a trial against me at a city council meeting on record. Which is unconstitutional and NOT within the power of the city of city council meeting. Where now the city of Tulelake is responsible legally and morally for the abuse I received on record by these people who were part of this agenda item and the comments made by the Chief of Police on record at this time. Where my rights were as a public citizen less well-denied due process of law. Where the same YouTube webcam portion was played out of context and not played in entirety where also comments were made about the threats I received in front of Ross’s Market where this Chief of Police did nothing but make the following statement.” That is what you get for putting all that stuff on the Internet”

If the roles had been reversed and I was yelling and screaming as this accuser Jackie Gow was at me the reverse would have happened and I would have been arrested on the spot. No if’s and” or but’s” about it, with this Chief of Police who has and will be shown in court his prejudiced against me for writing news articles that not only did not show him in a good light. The same can be said of the accusers well before the EPO was filed with the court back in January of 2014 where it all began against me after writing a news story during that time and place.

Related Links:

1.Getting THE TRUTH OUT about Tulelake City Council Meetings

2.Demands the city of Tulelake cannot legally do

3. False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part One)

4. False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part Two)

James Garland of Tulelake News

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