False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part Two)


Tulelakenews.com Todays News: December 6, 2019

What Melodi and Clyde fear is that I have information that was given to me about their abuse that has been going on at LPTA, and now I am going to use it.

Only had one contact with Melodi and that was on June 26, 2019 from the video that lots of people have seen by now. And I had no idea the name of the officer in the video or even the exact date. I do now, because of her SK that she filed under oath and the officers name is Hutchinson.

And I had no idea what her address was until now, nor did I care. Why would I want her address? She is nobody special or anyone I would want anything to do with. Now I have it; because of the SK she filed, not because I wanted or needed it.

And I have no idea what her car looks like. Where Melodi has accused me of damaging it, or placing a sign on it from her SK, and has claimed. Once again, I had damaged her car? And before she has been given or granted the SK, where she made a 911 call claiming I was the one, that did it. Where I had a Klamath Falls police officer, Officer Moran who knocked on my door accusing me as much, on incident #39, on the very same or the day after, when the SK was served on the defendant.

Right after that I have had enough of this before, it even starts. So, I called and left several voice mail messages with the Klamath Falls Police Chief, Chief David Henslee and we had a chit, chat about where I had planned on calling him as a witness in case #19CR45438. And Chief David Henslee returned my call, he mentioned during our conversation that since we spoke and if I called him to the stand, he would have to let the judge know we had a discussion about this case #19CR45438.

Later on that day I left another voice mail letting Chief David Henslee know that I would be doing that myself, and letting the Judge know that Klamath Falls Police Chief, Chief David Henslee and I had a conversation and discussed this case #19CR45438 and the other two cases with Melodi #19SK02914 and Clyde 19PO11O14, and that I was filing my own PO, and that number is 19PO011960. And due to this situation before the court now, that I would not be calling Chief David Henslee, and I would inform the Judge myself about our chit, chat over the phone.

That is how it begins, to get revenge for whatever they are going though, and want to make someone else's life miserable, the way theirs is, by their own doing, and blame, and, accuse someone else, for making them fearful. The power over someone else, in their mind, that they think is out to get them. This is not a physical threat that is being conceived, but an emotional one.

So if they have the power over that persons' life, it makes them feel more secure in their own emotional insecurities. That they have created in the paranoid world they live in. Fearing the past is going to catch up with them, by her husband discovering where she lives at now, because he might see her, in a video, or someone he knows, may see it. So she is striking out at the person, one person, that she thinks is, and could be responsible for it, if he does find out, where she lives, and works. So it is not a physical threat that she perceives, but instead an emotional one.

What her past was with her husband was, or why she does not want him to find out where she lives or the children, is the paranoid personality disorder she has, and is living with now. She is creating her own psychological trauma, from her past, that she has carried in to the present, and is affecting her, present state of mind.

Which is not good for her or her children right now, until she gets the mental health treatment she is in need of, but will not admit it, as most people with paranoid personality disorders don't. It is everyone else that is out to get her, but a majority of it, she brings on herself, by the way she treats others, and then wonders why, she feels everyone around her, is out to get her. Which, is not good for her, or her kids, until she gets the treatment to help her through, the fear, and anxiety disorder, as well, that she has.

And she missed it again, as the video was originally made on the 8th of September, the Sunday I walked from my house at 10 AM, and did not get back until 11:20 PM after posting, and printing my first Weekend edition, as there are no buses on Sunday, and I knew that, when I went on my long walk. The same day I met Crystal and wrote about the White Slavery story, she shared with me, and then posted it on my blog, and printed it in my next Weekend edition of TNT the following Weekend.

And by the time I made it on the other side of Wal-mart. Where I took pictures of the 4 abandoned houses off Hwy 140, on my way back to my house. Where going under the over pass at night, it is very dark, as there are no lights there, for some reason, beyond me. And they are not there or were not on that night.

And by the time I arrived in that area on Riverside Drive, it was not in the early morning, if anything, it was around 10:30 PM. I had walked in the area before and took pictures of the caboose in that area one evening. But, it was dark now, and I thought those houses if video taped at night, would make a great scary movie, like Friday the 13th. That is why the first time I used the video footage I called the video TGIF, which means Thank God it is Friday. But like the movie Friday the 13th, which gave me the idea to name the movie TGIF and use Friday the 13 music for it.

And the main problem with the sign is, it is not in my handwriting, and any handwriting expert could testify to that fact. It is not my fault Melodi and Clyde have made so many enemies, of their own doing. And who is the first person she thinks did that, who else, the person, they are trying to stop from getting the truth out, about both of them.

And I heard a rumor that Clyde was claiming he was a volunteer, and he did not want Social Security to know he may be being paid, because it would lower his income and he may have to pay taxes on the extra income. Now Melodi has put it in writing with the SK, and claimed that Clyde is a volunteer. The same way the information I have is in that persons handwriting about the abuses, that have been going at LPTA.

So, I am not claiming something that is false, but it is backed up by the information the person who gave it to me, claimed, has been going on for the past 10 years. I just did not make it up, that is why I said, "I hear" and that's what I said on the video, "I hear'. And that is another reason they did not want me to sit on the benches, because some of the tenants may share information with me, about even more abuses going on at LPTA.

And that is not the same officer in the report, made by officer Fox on 6/29/19 for the Trespass II. Yet, Clyde on the video when calling 911 mentions Davenport and Davenport give him advice, and Davenport is in the report by Officer Fox, and there is no mention of officer Hutchinson in that same report, in the discovery file, in the DA's file. And on the 911 call where Clyde says I called him an "SOB", recorded on the second 911 call on 6/29/19.

By the way, where is the video Clyde took of me, while I was video taping what was going on, when I was video taping? You can see Clyde video taping me with his cell phone. If I was trespassing as Clyde has claimed, where is the video tape of that? The only thing on the LPTA property is my backpack as I never stepped foot on LPTA's property, only on the Right A Way the entire time. Which the video shows that I am closer to the curb that any property line. And to do that, I would have had to have been inside the lobby. Did not happen.

They must think they are smarter, than the judge, as he deals with cases like this, all the time. And when I am finished with this post. I will share it for all the world to see and read it. And for both of them, to each make a filing on the same date, and with some of the very same things. Sends up a red flag, that they are not being honest and they are not telling the truth.

Judges are not stupid and they can see right through it all, they have experience and see it every day and for the interest of justice, both the SK and the PO needs to be dismissed and both of Petitioners held in contemp.

Related Links:

1.Getting THE TRUTH OUT about Tulelake City Council Meetings

2.Demands the city of Tulelake cannot legally do

3. False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part One)

4. False claims against Defendant James Garland will be heard as Defendant appears on Monday December 9, 2019 in court (Part Two)

James Garland of Tulelake News

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