“None of my business"

Two things you will never have to chase: True friends and true love.

JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/30/24. Mornings JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/28/24. Evenings JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/28/24. Mornings,

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/26/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/31/24. Easter

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/25/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/25/24. Overnights

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon 3/22/24. Evenings

JgTheBoss LIVE on MixCloud and the local FM 102.7 KTNT Klamath Falls, March 19, 2024, Mornings

“None of my business"

Klamath Falls, Or-

It seems there are unruly juveniles running wild in the Grandview Apartments and AAA Property Management is not lifting a finger to do anything about it.

There is an old saying for the criminals, when one bird goes down so does the rest of them. Like a sinking ship and since AAA Property Management has made it a point to ignore the drug dealing situation there is a very good possibility those involved of harboring the drug dealers are going to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for their involvement or looking the other way from all the complaints that have been brought to AAA Property Managements attention and did nothing to stop it. Whom ever is in charge of looking the other way will also be prosecuted for allowing drug dealers to be drug dealing and to go to jail as well for looking the other way at the Granview Apartments.

Not only are the minor drug dealers going to be caught, and prosecuted so are those responsible at AAA Property Managment no matter who it turns out to be. It is just a matter of time and there is a two year statute of limitations that started on the date the first report was generated and reported to a KFPD police officer as well as when the tenant in apartment 15 being told it was none of his business by a bunch of unruly minors who were knocking on tenants’ doors wanting the tenant to let them inside to use the restroom.

Nobody in their right mind is going to allow a bunch of minors to use their restroom and end up on the wrong end of the stick it they were to do so. Not in this time and day of how things go for those helping minors and end being the ones in trouble.

Juvenile delinquents on the loose at the Granview Apartments run a monk like at 1:30 AM below my apt in the lower apartment where I had to call 911 to have the paramedics come and take my vitals and where a KFPD Officer Davies took a report on the vandalism on my door and the Juveniles. Which I will be using his report to press charges with the DA on Monday morning. Along with getting restraining orders for all parties living in apt 26.

Enough is enough do your job or see me in court on a civil suit as well as an emergency injunction I will file unless you do your job and evict the tenant in 26 for allowing minors to deal and use drugs themselves.

Which now the KFPD is aware of and so will be the DA on Monday for AAA Property Managment allowing it to take place and happen at the Granview Apts and the click of tenants you moved into the Granview from other properties.

Where Ken will be called to testify under oath and about your neglect of other tenants' health and safety.

To be continued

Related links

1. Juvenile delinquents on the loose at the Granview Apartments

2. And the race is on for County commissioners in Klamath County


Past Radio shows

Auditions for Book 2, book tours

James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852
