Pay it forward Part 3


Tulelake New Times

Redding Trip on Amtrak

James Garland (tnt radio) Videos

JgTheBoss Worldwide January, 8th 2024, 6 PM till Midnight on 102.7 FM KTNT Klamath Falls, Oregon

Link to video below:

Short Version

Long Version

Pay it forward Part 3

Congrats! You're 100th in the global Country charts! Hey JgTheBoss! Congrats!! Your upload JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Dec 1, 2024, KTNT 102.7 FM Klamath Falls, Oregon. is now 100th in the global Country chart!!

Some of my Amtrak trips are better than other trips but I love to do it and being on the Amtrak trains and I go as many times as possible as far north as Portland so far and as far south as Sacramento to Chico, California. Love it.

But each one is different for sure and doing my first trip to Eugene with the Klamath Falls to Eugene Docent Interpretive Guides and where I was fired by Todd the outgoing Director of the Klamath County Musuem because I did not fit their script according to Todd and it was his chance to get back at me for an article I wrote about where Todd took a leave of absence over a tax measure that he should have been fired for and I said as much at the time.

Todd did not agree with the tax measurea he was against it, but other city and county government officials and nonprofits did. Getting fired after my first trip was a blessing as it gave me an opportunity to do what I am doing now with my tours, now. In fact, I took all the pictures I am using now on the first trip to Eugene where it is now an asset and works quite well with my script of tours on the Amtrak train 14 with the great view of all the waterfalls and the tunnels and other attractions on the way up to Eugene during the day from the Observation Coach.

And who ever I meet on the way up can point it out to them and in the future go as a group of people taking the tour with me to Eugene and the time spent on the 5 hour layovers on a weekday and on a weekend as somethings are closed on the weekdays and other places are closed on the weekends.

The plan is to go on one weekday and one weekend each month and the group can decide what they want to see and do during the five hour layover and the five hours goes by fast when sightseeing all the shops, restaurants, Ampitheater and museums in Eugene to see and do things to get away from other cities for a few hours to see things and visit places a person may not have done or seen before and may even take more than one trip to experience and see it all.

Related link: Pay it forward Part 4

102.7 FM KTNT

All Aboard!

All Aboard!

James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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Cell # (530) 708-7852

Tulelake News

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