Reform Domestic Violence Laws where people cannot abuse the laws and system by raising the penalties against those that do

TNT Tours Klamath Falls, Oregon Todays News: February 19, 2020

TNT Tours Klamath Falls, Oregon


Every time a person dies at the hands from a violent person, right away there are petitions galore about Reforming Domestic Violence Laws. What about the flip side of that very same coin where people who abuse the laws and system by raising the penalties against those that do? By Reforming Domestic Violence Laws that make it even easier for the abuse of the laws and system to be abused by people who are out to get revenge or control over innocent people lives and make them a living hell. And start petitions to Reform Domestic Violence Laws where even more innocent people can have their constitutional rights taken away just on the word from the person filing the restraining orders. Just because the person claims something happened under oath without providing the proof and due process of law for the innocent person who gets caught up in the unconstitutional Domestic Violence Laws.

Present Domestic Violence Laws need to be reformed so they can no longer be abused by people who abuse the laws and system against innocent people so they can seek revenge and power over them. Sure it doesn't happen as much as the opposite when there is a real verified abuse going on. But stop the abuse of the innocent that get drug into the system by someone wanting revenge or power over a person by the false claims they make under oath and get their hands slapped with no actual penalties against those that do abuse the laws and system to their benefit.

And that goes for false police reports and 911 calls that are not the truth, but are some made up situation or accusation that is not the truth either. But yet another way for an innocent person to be charged with crimes or accused of crimes they have not committed. But because one person says so, then all conditional rights are thrown out the window or as the old saying goes with the baby's bath water. Police officers also need to do a better job of reading through the lines without just taken the word of one side, without listening and taken into account the other side of the story before making arrests or giving out citations on the word of one person against the other that may in fact be the innocent party being abuse by the system that is suppose to protect the innocent before allowing the actually guilty party continue to abuse the system because they have been doing it for years and getting away with it.

There needs to be a system of checks and balances to see how many times a person has made and filed abuse charges against people and how many were factual and how many were bogus, even a record of how many times their claims were denied and the reason each time. Not just brush it under the rug or carpet and let it go to way side so these same kind of people can keep abusing the system as long as they keep getting away with it.

Penalties of real Jail Time and Fines to match the abuse of the system to protect those that really are in need of the protection and not the bogus and false ones that get filed out of revenge or to try and get power over a person without due process. Instead of the unconstitutional Domestic Violence Laws that try and protect real victims and not the bogus victims who make false claims using Domestic Violence Laws for revenge and control of the innocent.

Related link continued here.

Jg TNT Tours

Related Links:

1. Makes you wonder how many times Melodi McGee and Clyde Long have lied to HUD and their employer? Doesn't it?

2. Specialty courts in Klamath County No Deal for Defendant in case #19CR45438

3. Specialty courts in Klamath County

4. Police Officers lie too and make errors in their arrest reports and records.

5. CONTEMPT OF COURT committed by both Melodi McGee and Clyde Long

6. Interesting twist to the Trespass II case #19CR45438 and the web some people weave

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James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake News

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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Cell # (530) 708-7852
