Perjury is a Class C felony Melodi McGee and others who will be all answering at Trial

Doesn't look like the defendant is on the property of 203 Main Street, as claimed in the false 911 call by Clyde Long does it, Mr. Deputy DA? Todays News: February 21, 2020

How many more lies would Melodi McGee like to keep telling?

From fasle police reports, to false Stalking orders to false statements in a Trespass II case?

The web some people weave as they keep digging a deeper hole legally against themselves.

WTG Melodi McGee.

Jg TNT Since Feb 11, 2010 to present time.

There is a statements signed by Melodi McGee making claims that can and will be disputed at trial. While Defendant is on the stand testifying to his side of the story before the jury, and all those involved by naming names with evidence, unlike Melodi McGee and her false statement to the Deputy DA with no evidence, just like Melodi McGee's false statements under oath with Melodi McGee's false stalking restraining order that was dismissed. Along with all Melodi McGee's false police reports she claimed against the defendant.

From people in the videos that can and will be called as witnesses at trial from

Where there was no contact or conversation with defendant at anytime between Angel Prater except what was recorded on video at 201 Main Street, as claimed by Melodi McGee in her letter to the Deputy DA. Where Melodi McGee states there was and that person was willing to say there was contact and a conversation about a trespass complaint. If that being the case then Angel Prater is also committing perjury and can be charged right along with Melodi McGee with perjury if she would like as there are more than one witness that can testify otherwise to the truth, not the lies Melodi McGee is trying present under false pretenses, as it seems is Melodi McGee's regular MO.

Melodi McGee never happened, as you are becoming a habitual lair, just like Trump, and there are many other witnesses that can testify to your untruthfulness on the stand, that can and will be called. Along with all the other numinous false statements presented to the Deputy DA by you, Melodi McGee.

Melodi McGee is becoming if she were a police officer a great candidate for the Brady disclosure list.. And there are other witnesses that have not even been spoken to by the Private Investigator paid for by the State of Oregon for the defense yet. As there will be no deal, going to trial and that's it. For all the falsehoods to be presented to the court by Melodi McGee in her attempt to make things difficult on the defendant when she has accomplished to place herself not only in CONTEMPT OF COURT but has added a possible perjury charge on top of it. WTG Melodi McGee and you did it all by yourself. Congratualions Melodi McGee and you will in the end have no one to blame but yourself for all the lies you have presented to two courts,with the same judge. WTG!

2017 ORS 162.055¹ Definitions for ORS 162.055 to 162.425

(1)“Benefit” means gain or advantage to the beneficiary or to a third person pursuant to the desire or consent of the beneficiary.

(2)“Material” means that which could have affected the course or outcome of any proceeding or transaction. Whether a false statement is “material” in a given factual situation is a question of law.

(3)“Statement” means any representation of fact and includes a representation of opinion, belief or other state of mind where the representation clearly relates to state of mind apart from or in addition to any facts which are the subject of the representation.

(4)“Sworn statement” means any statement that attests to the truth of what is stated and that is knowingly given under any form of oath or affirmation or by declaration under penalty of perjury as described in ORCP 1 E.

(5)“Unsworn declaration” has the meaning given that term in ORS 194.805 (Definitions). [1971 c.743 §182; 1981 c.892 §90; 2003 c.194 §4; 2013 c.218 §18]

2017 ORS 194.805¹ Definitions

2017 ORS 162.065¹

(6)“Sworn declaration” means a declaration in a signed record given under oath. “Sworn declaration” includes a sworn statement, verification, certificate and affidavit.

(7)“Unsworn declaration” means a declaration in a signed record that is not given under oath, but is given under penalty of perjury. [2013 c.218 §2] Perjury

(1) A person commits the crime of perjury if the person makes a false sworn statement or a false unsworn declaration in regard to a material issue, knowing it to be false.

(2) Perjury is a Class C felony. [1971 c.743 §183; 2013 c.218 §19]

When is Melodi McGee going to get it? False documents presented can be prosecuted for perjury and anyone else filing false documents or claiming things that were not said or ever happened?

Paragraph after paragraph of lies presented by Melodi McGee which can and will be proved in court against her at Trial. From the most recent statement in the discovery file that was read for the first time today at the defendants' Attorney's office with the defendant's being claimed against the defendant signed and presented to the Deputy DA by Melodi McGee.

To be continued here.

Jg TNT Tours

Related Links:

1. Makes you wonder how many times Melodi McGee and Clyde Long have lied to HUD and their employer? Doesn't it?

2. Specialty courts in Klamath County No Deal for Defendant in case #19CR45438

3. Specialty courts in Klamath County

4. Police Officers lie too and make errors in their arrest reports and records.

5. CONTEMPT OF COURT committed by both Melodi McGee and Clyde Long

6. Interesting twist to the Trespass II case #19CR45438 and the web some people weave

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James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake News

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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Cell # (530) 708-7852
