What are Melodi McGee and Clyde Long hiding is the real question that needs to be answered and will be soon


Tulelakenews.com Todays News: February 21, 2020

How many more lies would Melodi McGee like to keep telling?

From fasle police reports, to false Stalking orders to false statements in a Trespass II case?

The web some people weave as they keep digging a deeper hole legally against themselves.

WTG Melodi McGee.

Jg TNT Since Feb 11, 2010 to present time.

Why is Melodi McGee so determined to go to the extreme and lie and file false statements and documents? From police reports, to false Stalking orders and now false statements in a Trespass II case? Why? What is Melodi McGee and her side kick Clyde Long hiding that they don't want anyone to discover or find about them? Makes you wonder? And I am not the only one asking that question?

All over a backpack placed on a bench in front of an apartment building at 203 Main Street called the Lake Park Tower Apartments. What is it about a backpack sitting on a bench that gets under their skin. The fact they have been called bullies. Trump does that on a daily basis nothing new there. And if the shoe fits, maybe it is because that is exactly what they are, "bullies'. Not to me, but to the tenants or anyone else who may sit on their precious bench located at 203 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon that they don't like or want to share it with them. Their bench, their rules.

Why would someone file false police reports against someone who only placed a backpack on a bench? And claim that person who placed a backpack on a bench is going to want to destroy their vehicles or place a handwritten sign warning them about a future situation over something, Melodi McGee and Clyde Long may have done. The point being something they may have done to piss someone off or make them angry over a backpack sitting on a bench? Makes no sense, except that they may be guilty of some past deed or misdeed and don't have any idea who may want to cause them harm? Why would someone want to cause them harm unless they have done something to someone and are in fear of someone coming after them for something they may have done and know they have done. But for a backpack sitting on a bench? Really?

Oh my God this person is going to come after me because he is not allowed to sit on a bench or place a backpack on it? OK. The person who placed the backpack there has had no contact of any kind. Yet, for some strange reason Melodi McGee claims he has and is a threat to her and her children. Yet, there has been no contact of any kind until you met again, after Melodi McGee and Clyde Long both filed restraining orders. Yet, that is not what was claimed in the false Stalking order by Melodi McGee and Clyde Long with his false Protective Order. Both filed on the same day, and making similar, if not the same accusations, that neither of them Melodi McGee and Clyde Long have had contract with the defendant since the first police call was made over sitting on a bench at 203 Main Street, the Lake Park Tower Apartments.

Yet both Melodi McGee and Clyde Long claim there were contacts and threats that not only never happened, but did not exist except in their sick minds. Made up stories, to justify their own guilt patterns of the abuse that they may have been directing, and causing towards others. And their own guilt and covering up of things, that they have been doing for years was maybe finally catching up with them and they both, Melodi McGee and Clyde Long feared. That just maybe they have been caught, or someone may know more about their past deeds that they did not want anyone to discover; because someone may had in fact spilled the beans on both of them.

Like a present tenant, but are not sure just how much that tenant may have shared with the guy who just placed his backpack on a bench, that Melodi McGee and Clyde Long did not like that happening. For fear that the guy with backpack maybe getting too close to the source of discovering, their real motives and intentions all along. Where both Melodi McGee and Clyde Long are guilty of abusing other seniors, and that the day they feared the most, may have just arrived from the guy who just placed a backpack on their precious bench, located at 203 Main Street at the Lake Park Tower Apartments in Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Getting a Citation for Trespass II was not good enough where their phony restraining orders were dismissed. Now Melodi McGee once again wants to make a statement that is also a false document but this time Melodi McGee wants to pick up where she left off and add even more falsehoods. Except, this time Melodi McGee did it in a Trespass II court case.

That now instead of going as planned to try and cause even more havoc, will now be used against Melodi McGee. While the defendant is on the stand telling his side of the story from the very beginning to the very end before a jury.

Sharing where Melodi McGee filed false police reports, false Stalking orders, and now yet again another false document in a Trespass II court case. Where Melodi McGee has been making false claims about conversations that took place, that never happened. Where Melodi McGee has even threaten present tenants if they testify against Melodi McGee in court, Melodi McGee will see to it that they will be evicted, as yet another threat by Melodi McGee and Clyde Long both.

To be continued...

Jg TNT Tours

Related Links:

1. Makes you wonder how many times Melodi McGee and Clyde Long have lied to HUD and their employer? Doesn't it?

2. Specialty courts in Klamath County No Deal for Defendant in case #19CR45438

3. Specialty courts in Klamath County

4. Police Officers lie too and make errors in their arrest reports and records.

5. CONTEMPT OF COURT committed by both Melodi McGee and Clyde Long

6. Interesting twist to the Trespass II case #19CR45438 and the web some people weave

7. Melodi McGee and Clyde Long were hopping mad when they left the courthouse on December 9, 2019. Case Dismissed!

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James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake News

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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